To Kiss a Highland Rose (Kiss the Wallflower #6) - Tamara Gill Page 0,10

a room first before the servant showed Sebastian to his.

The suite was generous. A large, four-poster bed with tartan curtains sat against a dark wood-paneled wall. A fire burned bright in the grate and a daybed sat just off to the side of it, along with a single chair in deep-green leather. The room evoked a masculine feel, and Sebastian thought it quite acceptable. What a shame they would not be here long.

"Would you like me to send up the manservant assigned to you to unpack, my lord?"

Sebastian nodded, walking to the windows and to the view that captured his attention. Halligale did not even have such a beautiful view. The start of the Highlands in the distance was certainly impressive.

"And hot water, if you please," he added when the servant went to leave. "I need to bathe."

"Of course, my lord."

Sebastian worked his cravat free, throwing it aside. He should have brought his valet, Wilson, but staying here two nights, he did not think it necessary. He would have the servant unpack his things and set everything out for tomorrow night's mask.

He had opted for no costume, preferring a black, superfine suit. He did, however, have a mask that covered up much of his face. The evening was set to be one the Edinburgh society would not forget, and he, for one, hoped it was one that Lady Elizabeth did not forget either.

After bathing, Sebastian fell promptly asleep, and it was only when the servant from earlier woke him for dinner did he realize how late it was. Dressing quickly and hearing the dinner gong sound deep in the house, Sebastian strode down the hall, looking forward to the evening ahead.

He fiddled with his waistcoat and did not hear the door to another room open or see the woman who barreled into him at a force that sent him reeling. His arms instinctively reached out to stop her from falling. It did not work, she propelled him back, and they both went down, the delectable, supple Lady Elizabeth's body finding its home atop his.

"In a hurry for dinner, my lady?" She scrambled off him, her eyes wide with horror.

"I do apologize, my lord." Elizabeth stood, adjusting her gown, which he just now noticed. For dinner, she wore a deep, satin red, her lips glistening with a touch of rouge. The breath in his lungs seized, and for a moment, he merely stared at her. He knew she had red locks, but tonight, coiled up high, her fierce, green eyes and gown made her appear the most delectable Scottish lass he'd ever beheld.

Damn it, she is beautiful.

"I should have been watching where I was going. I'm normally quite punctual, and when I heard the dinner gong, and I wasn't already downstairs, I hurried. I am so sorry for not only running into ye, but??

Sebastian waved her concerns aside as he dusted down his clothing. "It was my fault. I should have been paying attention to my steps ahead instead of adjusting my waistcoat."

She blushed prettily but nodded. "Of course. Shall we go downstairs together then?"

"It would be my pleasure." Their short walk to the dining room was not nearly long enough. Now that he was with Lady Elizabeth, he did not want to part from her or share her time with others. His courting required him to be with her, and preferably alone, or at least apart from the other guests.

How else would he ever get to kiss those delectable lips?

By the time they entered the dining room, the other guests were taking their seats. Sebastian led Lady Elizabeth to her chair, throwing her a small smile before moving on to where the hostess had him placed, which fortunately was directly beside her.

"How fortunate for us that we're to be dinner companions." Sebastian sat, placing a napkin across his knee.

Elizabeth smiled in agreement. "How are you finding Edinburgh? Are you enjoying our Season here in Scotland?"

"I am, very much so. Your company in particular." Sebastian held her gaze for longer than he should and was pleased to see her blush. Oh yes, she was already a little in love with him. It would be no chore to win her hand and his house at the same time.

Elizabeth turned her attention to the kale brose soup, rich with color, and smelling of vegetables and broth laid before her, wondering why Lord Hastings would say something so inappropriate. He enjoyed her company, that was all very well, but he should not have told Copyright 2016 - 2024