Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,92

having to mention the sacred stone or me willingly pressing my hand to it and agreeing to be Night Bound. I would have laughed at those words before yesterday. I wanted to ridicule that stupid legend, but now I realised it didn’t matter if there was any truth in it or not. The Night Keepers had brought it to life. Given it flesh and breathed air into its lungs. If enough people believed in something, whether it was true or not, it gave the leaders of that faith power. That was what made the Night Keepers truly dangerous.

“Not physically,” I said, though leaving me out in that storm was arguably an indirect punch in the face. I would have preferred the quick, sharp pain of a physical attack though. Hours in the rain was worse than bruises and reddened flesh, it had left its mark on the inside. The type that scarred for life.

I cleared my throat as Mila’s face paled.

“You should head to breakfast,” I urged, partly because I couldn’t stand that look on her face. Like I was a victim.

“I can wait ‘til you get dressed and we can walk together?” she offered, but I shook my head.

“It’s okay, you go ahead,” I encouraged, painting on a smile. I knew the guys would only threaten her if I went against their rules, but if she was seen walking around with me, she was going to be thrown into the firing line of the whole school regardless for being seen with the virus girl. And Mila was too sweet to be dragged down with me. Besides, I’d still be able to see her here in our room.

Fuck, they’re winning already.

Mila headed to the door, lingering by it for a long moment. “I’m staying, you know? There’s no flights coming out this way from New York because they’ve all been grounded. So my parents can’t come for me.”

I nodded, giving her a genuine smile, a hardened piece of my heart softening at her words. At least I wouldn’t be totally alone all of the time.

She stepped out of the room and I forced myself to my feet a beat later, grabbing a towel and heading for the shower. It was pretty empty, but the few girls in there ran out of the room screaming Plague!

I gritted my jaw, stepping into one of the shower units. Well at least I can have the whole bathroom to myself, bitches.

I was soon dressed for the day with my makeup and hair done, working hard to not only look put together but to look fucking awesome. My eyeliner made my bright blue eyes pop and you couldn’t even seen a glimmer of that girl who’d stood on the beach last night. At least there was one good thing about psychological wounds. You couldn’t see them on the outside.

I was running late again, but there was one more thing I needed to do before I faced down the world.

I headed to my nightstand, taking out a sheaf of paper and grabbing a pen, pulling off the cap with my teeth.

Dear Jessica,

Things got bad. Those boys I mentioned? Well they’re the devil incarnate.

Last night, they pushed and pushed until I gave in to them. I was so scared, Jess. And now I’m so fucking ashamed. Because you wouldn’t have let them do it, would you? You wouldn’t have agreed. And you’d be so disappointed with me now.

I stopped writing as a fat tear dropped onto the page. I hastily wiped it away but it smeared some of the ink and I sighed as I carried on.

I wish you were here. No, scrap that. If I’m wishing for stuff, I wish I was with you. And Dad…

Did you hear about Dad? You don’t believe those lies about him either, right?

That’s why everyone hates me, Jess. But if he could, he’d tell us to fight our enemies without fear. That fear is just a tool to aid our survival. And maybe he’s right. Maybe I’ll find a way to wield it, Jess. But right now, I feel so lost. And so alone. I’d give anything to run away this time. I’d trade every other awkward moment I’d ever had to escape this one. Maybe I’m paying the price for all of that avoided shit at once?

I guess nothing in life is free.

Love you Jess. And I miss you more than ever.

Tatty x

I folded up the letter, dropping to the floor and pulling my backpack out from under the Copyright 2016 - 2024