Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,84

damaged his reputation with the girls if they saw it. I couldn’t wait to send him a hundred copies of it one after another in the morning while he nursed his hangover.

“Don’t post that shit of me necking vodka like a hillbilly,” Saint warned, pointing at me like he thought I was heading straight to social media to tag ourselves like a bunch of thirteen year old girls having a slumber party.

“I don’t post anything online,” I reminded him, rolling my eyes. Sure, I had an account and people were constantly posting photos of me and tagging me in shit, but I didn’t interact on it. Ever. I basically only had it so that I could use messenger to contact my so-called friends who lived down in Murkwell whenever there was a fight night coming up.

No, I wasn’t posting that shit anywhere, but it was about to become my new screensaver for sure. I quickly saved it, snorting a laugh as I imagined Saint’s face when I casually left my phone where he could see it in class tomorrow. He was gonna lose his fucking mind.

I strolled away as Saint went in hunt of another glass, cursing me for stealing his in a voice that slurred just a little. The two of them were getting lit, but I was finding it hard to chase my buzz.

I dropped my untouched glass of Jack on the dining table and placed the bottle down beside it as I abandoned my drinking habit for the night. I was only ever three kinds of drunk. Bloodthirsty drunk. Party animal drunk. Or self destructive drunk. Right now I was on the path to number three. And number three came with a real ass eater of a hangover and a dollop of self hatred thrown in. I didn’t like the sound of that for my future so I cut myself off.

The wind changed so that the rain hammered against the stained glass window and I pouted like a little bitch as I watched it sliding down the glass.

Saint had stayed on his feet, tipping his head back to roar at the vaulted ceiling like a motherfucking beast. Blake followed his lead and I moved to join them with a smile that was only half forced.

“I am the dark in the dead of the night!” Saint yelled, cupping a hand around his mouth.

“Hear me roar!” I shouted alongside Blake. It was some bullshit we’d come up with as kids which liked to resurface whenever Saint flipped the switch past hammered to wasted.

Blake started laughing, draining his drink before dropping down into Saint’s throne with his eyes hooded.

I moved closer as Saint continued to jump about to the classical insanity that was assaulting our ears and I couldn’t help but love him even more than usual as I watched him cutting loose.

Blake watched too, the smile slowly slipping from his face until all I could see was his pain.

“Fuck my life,” he murmured like he didn’t expect anyone to be listening and my gut twisted sharply at his words.

“C’mon, man,” I said to him, offering a hand as he looked up at me with a hollow expression. “Time to sleep it off.”

Blake let me heave him to his feet, dropping his glass into his chair as he threw an arm around my shoulders and I half dragged him to his room at the back of the building. We passed down a short hallway where there were two doors waiting for us.

I swung Blake through the first door into his room and crossed the huge space which he’d decorated in blue tones. There were trophies everywhere and photographs of him winning all kinds of shit. It was kinda sad really because no one saw this room but him and us. His dad had been a little too heavy on the winners always prosper shit as he was growing up and it had given him an addiction to competing.

I dropped him on the bed and he laughed as he looked up at me. “You gonna have your wicked way with me Kyan?” he joked. “Can you be gentle though ‘cos I’ve never been with anyone as big as you…”

“In more ways than one, baby,” I replied, grabbing my junk as I laughed at him.

Blake chuckled as his eyes fell shut and I headed into the Jack and Jill bathroom that connected our bedrooms. I’d seen that dude naked more times than I could count after accidentally forgetting to lock both doors. Copyright 2016 - 2024