Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,77

I cursed each of their names a thousand times as Kyan strode along, the sound of waves lapping against the shore filling the air and tangling with the howling wind.

Without warning, Kyan dumped me on the ground and I fell into soft sand, rolling onto my knees as I tried to gather my bearings. The hood was ripped off of me and I took in the huge beach and the giant rock protruding from the sand in front of me. It tapered to a point over six feet above my head and was covered in strange carvings.

The lake lapped against its base as the wind made the choppy water splash across the beach. The three Night Keepers stood shoulder to shoulder in front of me, dressed in I-shit-you-not full black capes clipped into place with silver clasps around their necks. Their chests were bare, marked with red and white handprints and their entire faces were decorated with red and white paint too like they were living up to the legends they claimed to be. I smiled at the sight of the bloody scratches I’d left on Saint’s chest and his eyes darkened to pitch.

“You have got to be fucking with me?” I called over the wind.

My hair whipped around me in the maelstrom and I turned to look for an exit route, finding Tahoma Mountain looming behind me. The clouds had descended, covering over half the mountainside, the sheer height of it towering beyond the perimeter wall. I felt tiny in its shadow, freaking minuscule, but turning back to the Night Keepers made me feel even smaller.

Saint strode forward with a dark grin on his face and I lifted my chin to look up at him, raising up on my knees as I tried to stand. He placed a hand on my head to keep me down and I shook him off with a snarl.

He pinched my chin between his finger and thumb, holding my gaze as a stone cold hate unfurled in his eyes.

“This is the sacred stone.” He pointed to the hulking rock behind him and I gave him a blank look.

“And?” I demanded. “Did you drag me all the way out here just to stare at a stupid boulder?”

He gripped my hair, yanking me to my feet and making me yelp in pain. I lunged for him like a rabid dog and he kicked out my legs so I slammed onto the ground on my back. My skirt rode up over my hips and Saint’s gaze dropped to my little black panties.

He dropped down to a crouch as I sat up, ready to fight him with everything I had if he dared lay a hand on me. He reached out for my skirt and yanked it back down to cover my thighs and my breathing steadied.

“You look afraid, Barbie,” he purred. “Do you really think we’d force ourselves on you? You’re the least desirable thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Tell that to Blake,” I said loud enough for the other Night Keepers to hear. “He fucked me like the sky was gonna fall if he stopped.”

My cheeks heated as I felt Blake’s eyes on me, but I kept my gaze firmly on Saint’s, hunting for a flash of jealousy. One ounce of it would give me something to hook onto. Some tiny ray of hope that this monster craved me like his friends did.

Saint reached into his pants’ pocket and produced a knife, making my heart fall entirely still. For two whole eternities, I stared at him, readying to fight for my life before he snatched my wrists and severed the zip-tie. I released a slow breath, keeping my features schooled so he couldn’t see how frightened I’d been.

Saint laughed as he got up, kicking the sand so it sprayed over me. “Blake fucked you before he knew you were a plague, Plague.”

I looked over at Blake, finding his jaw ticking as he glared at me. “I’d cut my dick off before I ever touched you again.” He spat on the ground and my heart twitched from the ice in his words.

“Then why did you come back after you spoke to your Dad?” I asked, painting a twisted smile onto my face. “You wanted that recording of me, sure, but you didn’t have to screw me to get it, did you?”

Blake’s hands curled into fists as his friends looked to him for a response. “It was the only way,” he said firmly and I laughed loudly enough to rub Copyright 2016 - 2024