Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,66

his shirt looked like they were damn close to bursting off.

“This right here is nothing,” I went on, meeting his dark green eyes and making sure he didn’t dare look away from me. Blake was a weapon in need of a hand to guide it. He was nothing without it, but deadly if aimed with precision. “It’s a piece of crap with words scrawled on the bottom. That quote wasn’t even hers, it’s a fucking cliché etched on there by some asshole who couldn’t even afford to buy one of these things.”

“Give it back, Saint, I’m warning you,” Blake snarled, but I wasn’t done with him. He was looking too fucking close to exploding and that wasn’t going to work for me. That wasn’t how we did things. He needed reining in. Reminding of what was important and who was in charge.

“This watch is nothing,” I repeated. “And yet you feel grief at the idea of losing it. What do you feel about the girl whose father caused your mother’s death?”

He bared his teeth at me, but his gaze slid to the watch. He still wasn’t getting it.

“What do you want to do to Tatum Rivers in payment for your mother’s life?” I hissed, keeping my words for him alone as the assholes in the room pointedly looked elsewhere, though I was sure a few of them were straining so hard to listen in that they were giving themselves haemorrhoids.

“I want her crying and begging at my feet,” he hissed. “I want her beaten and broken beyond repair and to serve up her battered remains to her father on a silver platter.”

“And do you think you’ve achieved that yet?” I asked quietly, leaning forward to speak to him alone. “Do you think a bath in fish soup and bit of sex audio being leaked has broken her beyond repair? Or do you think that she’s already washed the fish off and is reminding herself about just how many times you made her come to make her scream like that for the tape?”

Blake’s jaw clenched and I smirked as I watched the rage flare in his eyes again. Grief could wait. Misery, hopelessness, sorrow, all of them could take a running jump off the nearest fucking cliff. Blake was bleeding inside. The wound he’d gained when his mom was killed was bloody and raw. It didn’t need patching up with kind words and tearful moments. It didn’t need nursing with understanding and sympathy. No. He needed to stop that fucker from bleeding. He needed to cauterise it and cut the pain off with one all consuming flame. And nothing burned so hot as rage nor as sweetly as revenge.

“It’s a damn shame you didn’t get any video to go with that recording,” I said slowly, watching as his eyes flashed with the lie he’d told. I’d known he had more than audio, but I hadn’t pushed him to use it. “No girl wants a video of her being fucked shown to everyone she knows, even one who wears her sexuality like a shield.”

“You want me to post that video?” he asked, his lip curling in distaste. He knew I knew and I smiled darkly as we acknowledged each other’s bullshit.

“No,” I replied. “We can do better than that.” And I wasn’t going to admit the fact that a small part of my reasoning for that was selfish. Because Tatum Rivers might have been the spawn of that virus-toting assbiter Donovan Rivers. But she was also the most exquisite creature I’d laid my eyes on in a long damn time. And someone of her caliber wasn’t destined to have the bottom dwelling masses jerking off over her naked flesh. If her body was going to be on show for anyone, it would be us. And us alone.

“How?” Blake demanded, desperation lacing his tone.

“Is your head in the game?” I snarled, because I had a new plan. A real fucking diamond of a plan for our fallen angel, but I wasn’t sharing it with him until he was ready. Until he was in the right head space. Which meant I wanted his rage, his anger, his thirst for vengeance and nothing else.

Blake’s gaze slid to the fucking Rolex beneath my heel and I damn near growled with frustration.

I pushed myself to my feet, driving my heel down with all my strength and the sound of breaking glass cut through the air like a gunshot.

Blake roared at me as the demon in him finally Copyright 2016 - 2024