Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,48

boy, I’m looking forward to you getting down on your knees for me,” I taunted and he wet his lips with such a lustful expression that it had heat spreading between my thighs.

Holy shit I have to win.

“Which way?” I turned away from him, tossing my hair over my shoulder as if this was just another rodeo. But my heart was thumping like mad at the promise that awaited me at the end of this race.

Blake picked up my stilettos with a smirk. “Just in case you decide to blame your loss on carrying these.”

I snorted a laugh. “Well you should run barefoot too, golden boy.”

He chuckled darkly then kicked his fancy-ass boat shoes off and took them into his other hand. I snatched them from him with a grin.

“In case you blame them on your loss,” I taunted and his eyes skipped with light.

“Follow the signs for the boys’ accommodation, Hazel House. I’ll be ahead of you anyway, so just follow me,” he said with a serious challenge in his tone.

“Bullshit!” I sprinted away from him and his dark laughter followed me as he took chase. I raced along the pavement, my bare feet slapping against the cold stone as I ran as fast as I could, the wind spinning around me and making my hair fly everywhere.

I ran by Saint’s Temple before Blake caught up, powering past me with a seriousness to his expression like he was out on the football pitch playing for the finals. I growled in frustration, pushing myself harder and just managing to keep pace with him. We tore around the lake in the direction of Beech House but he carried on past it while my lungs laboured and my heart screamed in defiance as he pulled ahead.

Between the alcohol and the competitive side of me which refused to lose, I managed to catch up to him, our arms brushing as we sprinted down the path side by side.

A sign to the boys dormitories caught my eye and I veered off the path to the right, racing into the trees with victory calling my name. Blake’s footsteps didn’t follow but a crashing in the bushes to my left made me think he must have taken a different route. Fuck!

My arms cut through the air as they wheeled back and forth. I was sweating, aching, hurting everywhere as the huge gothic building loomed up ahead. An exact replica of the girls accommodation with its arching windows and huge wooden door, but the plaque beside the door named it Hazel House. I nearly crashed into it as I reached the steps, resting against the wood and buckling forward as I dragged in lungful after lungful of air.

When I could breathe more steadily again, I lifted my head and hunted for Blake out in the trees with a triumphant grin. “I win!” I called.

The door I was leaning on opened and I stumbled back as Blake stood there, propping his shoulder against the doorway, his arm lifting as he casually checked his watch.

“Oh did you arrive at last? I did a few laps of the stairs while I was waiting.”

“Asshole,” I laughed and he smirked, beckoning me inside.

I moved closer, but didn’t follow him into the building. I took hold of his waistband and yanked him toward me by it, tossing his shoes on the ground.

He reached out, pushing a hand into my hair with a serious expression pulling at his features. “As you’ve just met me and didn’t realise I’ve never lost anything in my life, I’ll give you a free pass on the Ts and Cs.”

“That’s sweet,” I purred, unbuckling his belt and lowering his fly. “But I don’t like to be patronised.”

I dropped to my knees as I yanked his boxers down to free him and he gasped as I took him into my mouth. His thick length throbbed between my lips and I glided my fist up every hard inch of him as I swirled my tongue around the tip. His hands knotted in my hair as he groaned.

Light was spilling out of the doorway and my heart thumped madly with the insanity of this. I loved taking risks. I loved driving boys crazy too and I knew how to bring him to the edge before pulling him back again and again.

“Tatum,” he groaned, his hands tightening in my hair as I slid him all the way in - which was pretty damn impressive thank you very much.

My knees rubbed against the icy Copyright 2016 - 2024