Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,44

an objective way, but the way her conservative dress covered her up and her hair was oh so carefully braided told me all I needed to know about her. She was a rich girl through and through. Not nearly rough enough around the edges for me.

“Can she do a body shot on you?” Pearl asked with a hint of desperation in her tone as she shifted in front of me again to stop me from walking away.

I sighed, about to refuse but just as my lips parted to tell her to fuck off, Tatum Rivers joined their little crew, throwing her arms around Mila in excitement. She didn’t seem to notice me at first, but her gaze swivelled my way as Pearl spoke again.

“Pleeeease, Kyan?” She batted her eyelashes at me and I rolled my eyes.

“It’s your birthday and the only thing you want is to lick a shot off of me?” I asked Georgie in disbelief. The girl actually nodded and Tatum snorted derisively.

“I’ll go one better. You can all do it,” I said, my gaze slipping over the four of them before landing on Tatum.

She looked like she was going to refuse, probably because of the dickhead spin the bottle move I’d pulled. But that was okay, because I wasn’t giving her a choice.

“Tequila!” I shouted and Georgie and Pearl started giggling excitedly.

Tatum looked ready to walk away so I caught her hand in mine and twirled her beneath my arm before she could stop me.

“You can go first, new girl,” I announced.

“I’d rather lick the bottom of my shoe after stepping in dog shit,” she said, giving me the ice queen mask.

“Shit Georgie, looks like Tate here doesn’t want to play. I guess you’re not getting your birthday wish then.” I made a move to walk away as Georgie and Pearl both shot Tatum daggers. I wondered if the new girl cared about having friends. Pissing off the popular girls the moment she arrived didn’t seem like a great way to start out if she did.

I headed into the crowd but before I made it three steps, her voice called me back.

“Fine,” she growled. “If that’s what Georgie wants for her birthday…I’m not going to ruin it.”

The girls were all smiles again as I turned back to them, though Mila looked wary.

One of the Unspeakables had fetched the tequila like a good little doggy and I licked my fist before holding it out for them to pour salt over the back of my hand. The salt stuck and I accepted the slice of lemon into the same hand.

“On your knees then, girls,” I commanded, smirking at Tatum as she slowly sank down in a line with the other girls. Mila didn’t seem particularly excited either but the other two looked like they might just come if they actually got their mouths on me. Which they wouldn’t.

I took the bottle of tequila in my other hand and told the Unspeakable to go find me a new bottle of Jack as I strode straight up to Tatum, enjoying the view of her down on her knees before me like that.

I held my fist with the salt and lemon in front of my junk and raised the bottle of tequila to my collar bone as I waited for her to make her move.

Her blue eyes glittered with heat and I was willing to bet that Tatum Rivers damn near hated me right now. But that was okay. No one liked me besides my closest friends and even they had moments where they didn’t.

Her gaze fell to the salt stuck on the back of my hand and she released a resigned huff before leaning forward and licking it off.

“Open wide, baby,” I purred as she looked up at me again and I tipped the tequila straight onto my collar bone.

The amber liquid rolled over my chest and spilled down my abs before racing towards my navel. A moment before it could hit my pants, Tatum’s mouth met with my flesh.

I grinned as she pushed up onto her knees, the hot pad of her tongue carving a line straight up the centre of my body as I poured way more than a single shot for her.

I tossed the bottle to some asshole beside me and he cursed as tequila spilled all over him.

I fisted my hand in her hair as I guided her further up my chest, her lips caressing my flesh as her hungry tongue sought out every drop of the Copyright 2016 - 2024