Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,25

shits I had to drag in here for a tongue lashing.

The princess dropped down onto the chair and crossed her legs as she waited for me to move to my desk. But I didn’t. I closed in behind her, moving closer and closer until I was rewarded with her straightening uncomfortably in the ass numbing chair. No one liked to know they had a wolf at their back.

“There are several things which I won’t tolerate in my class, princess, care to guess what they may be?” I asked in a dangerously low voice.

She cleared her throat before she answered, tossing that long, blonde hair in a casually flirtatious way. But I wasn’t going to be tempted into looking at her like that.

“My name is Tatum,” she said in a surprisingly strong voice. “Tatum Rivers.”

I barked a laugh in surprise. The girl had balls. I liked that. It would just make it all the more entertaining to break her in. Which I would. Because they all fell into line with me one way or another when they realised that their money, influence, family names and plastic perfection looks didn’t mean shit to me. I wanted respect. And the best they could hope to earn from me was my respect in return. Though that was a hard won prize.

“I don’t think you’re quite grasping the seriousness of this discussion, princess,” I growled, circling her like a predator about to go in for the kill. “I don’t tolerate backtalk, name calling or fucking giggling in my class and you’ve started off our relationship by offering me all three.”

I came to a halt in front of her and she was forced to tilt her head back as she looked up at me. Her golden hair spilled down her back and the sports bra offered me a way too easy view of her full breasts as they strained to escape the elasticated material. Goddammit.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she said, widening those big blues at me as she laid on the innocent act again. But this one was a far cry from innocent. She reeked of trouble and the endless depths of those eyes sparkled with nothing but disobedience. Hell, I almost could have sworn she was enjoying this. She liked going toe to toe with a strong opponent, but I’d be damned if she’d be coming out on top with me.

I sat back onto my desk in front of her, spreading my legs wide as I curled my fingers around the hand-carved oak.

“You’re not leaving this office until you tell me what you were giggling about,” I said, snagging her gaze and keeping hold of it.

She bit her bottom lip, not nervously like she should have been, but seductively like she knew exactly the way to a guy’s libido with that one practiced move. But that shit wasn’t going to work on me.

My eyes narrowed on her and I folded my arms as I waited.

“I can only apologise again,” she said and she almost sounded sincere that time. “But I can’t remember what made me laugh now...”

I didn’t reply. My jaw tightened and I scowled down at her as I waited her out, giving her a look which let her know in no uncertain terms that there wasn’t going to be a free pass here.

Kudos to her though, she made it longer than a minute in silence before she cracked. Most of the kids couldn’t go beyond ten seconds of that shit.

“Do you seriously need to know?” she asked, her gaze slipping from my face for a moment and landing on my crotch before she flipped it back up quickly. This time the colour in her cheeks really was a blush.

“Enlighten me,” I demanded, but I was pretty sure I had the gist of it from that look.

When I’d taken this job I hadn’t given much consideration to the fact that I’d be put in a position of power over a bunch of girls who were only a few years younger than me. I’d had my own reasons for wanting this position. For needing it. And my goal didn’t have anything to do with school girl crushes and horny teenagers. But they had certainly caused me more than a few headaches since my arrival.

“Well, I was just commenting on how you don’t look like your average teacher,” she said, keeping her features straight as she forced her tongue around the words.

“And?” That wasn’t all of it, not by half and I was more than happy to Copyright 2016 - 2024