Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,196

don’t give a fuck about seeing her dressed up like a fucking business woman for a start.”

“No,” I agreed. “You’d rather dress her up like a street whore and fuck her like one too. Don’t try to pretend this is about anything more than that.”

“And yet you don’t hear me complaining when you make her kneel on the fucking floor for an hour and a half every morning. Or how you’ve got her following your fucking routine to the letter to make sure you get all of your fucking meals the minute you want them,” he bit back.

“What difference does it make if she follows Saint’s routine in the mornings?” Blake demanded, weighing in with me.

Kyan’s face darkened at the signs of us uniting against him. “None,” he snapped. “But that’s not what I want from her. It’s what Saint wants. How is she our girl if she’s only following his orders and not ours?”

“You never had a problem with me being in charge before,” I growled.

“I never had a problem with you setting me on your enemies and asking me to beat the fuck out of them because I wanted to do it. When have I ever bowed to a command I didn’t agree with?” Kyan demanded.

And fuck him, but it was the truth and we all knew it. Maybe that meant I wasn’t in charge at all. But the mere suggestion of that had my heart pounding and my palms growing slick.

“So what do you want from her?” I snarled.

Our fight had stolen the restless energy which had been dancing beneath my skin, but it couldn’t banish the feeling of powerlessness which came with having my ritual sabotaged. My mind was a whirling storm of emotion and so much of it was dark that I was sure it would corrupt me to my core.

“Everything she gave me last night,” he replied, his eyes flashing with a warning.

What the fuck did that mean? What did she give him last night? What had been so fucking special about their little night out that he’d thought it was worth doing this to me and Blake?

“Did you fuck her?” Blake demanded suddenly and I ground my teeth as I waited to hear the answer to that.

“What if I did?” he growled. “We never said we wouldn’t fuck her.”

“She said it,” I snarled. “That was her one and only term. Do we break our fucking word now, Kyan? Who the fuck are we if we do that?”

Kyan snorted derisively, his gaze scraping over me slowly. “I didn’t fuck her,” he said and I exhaled slowly, wondering if I was relieved about that because I was jealous of him having her or of her taking his attention from me. “But I never agreed not to. I agreed not to force her to. Which wasn’t exactly difficult because I’ve never had any desire to force a girl into sex in my life. But we never agreed not to if she wants it.”

I pushed my tongue into my cheek as I read between the lines of what he was saying. He clearly thought she wanted it. I just didn’t know what to do with that information.

“Then why don’t we just decide it now?” Blake asked. “We just agree not to fuck her.”

“No,” Kyan growled immediately and my fucking dick didn’t want to make that deal either. Though it seemed like a pretty tall order to believe she’d ever want in my bed after the shit I’d just pulled. And if she wasn’t riding my cock, I definitely didn’t want her riding his.

“What if I command it?” I asked in a deadly tone.

“You can command a broomstick to climb right up your ass, but I doubt the thing will leap on up there for you,” Kyan replied, fixing me in his gaze. “Besides, are you saying you want your word to mean shit? Because I’ve seen the way you look at her, it’s pretty obvious you want her too.”

My heart leapt at the accusation and not just because it was true, but because he was calling me out on my own bullshit and I didn’t like that one fucking bit.

“We need rules,” Blake insisted. “Rules about what we can do with her and when.”

“I’m not agreeing to you caging me,” Kyan spat.

“Not rules for what we can’t do,” Blake growled. “Just a way to make this even. So that this shit doesn’t happen again. She’s not a fucking chew toy for us to fight over like mutts.”

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