Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,19

by. One of them had his eyes pinned on Mila; he was blonde, tall, a typical jock with his killer smile which was aimed right at my roommate.

I glanced at her, finding her grinning right back at him. “Who’s that?” I asked, nudging her as he jogged off with his friends.

“Danny Harper. He’s on the football team,” she said with a devilish look in her eyes. “We hooked up at the end of year party before summer.”

“He’s cute,” I commented.

“He’s got a big dick too,” she said with a wild laugh. “He doesn’t quite know how to use it yet, but I plan on teaching him.”

I laughed along with her as she started describing the exact length, colour, texture and girth of the guy’s dick. That mental image hadn’t exactly been asked for, but she was clearly the oversharing type. And I was more than happy for the distraction from the Night Keepers. With dick chat or otherwise.

We headed down a track into the trees and the hazy morning light filtered through the canopy above us. The air was sweet and crisp and finally brought the heat of my body back down to a normal temperature.

A huge grey stone building appeared ahead of us, beyond which I caught a glimpse of a large running track and the edge of the football stadium. I noticed a bunch of students were waiting by the glass doors of the sports hall and frowned as two of them rushed forward to open them wide, yet no one moved.

My breathing hitched as someone shouldered their way past me and I scowled at the back of Saint’s head as he strode toward the entrance, followed closely by Kyan who was rolling his shoulders like he was limbering up for a fight.

Blake caught my arm and I turned to him surprise, my heart thumping to a frantic rhythm in my chest.

“Here, fledgling,” he breathed in my ear, his addictive scent making me wet my lips on instinct. He took my hand, placing something slim and hard in it before curling my fingers around it.

“Tell her what it means,” he instructed Mila before giving me a wicked smile and following the other two Keepers into the sports hall.

“Are they for real right now?” I murmured as the other students headed in after them then lifted my hand to see what Blake had given me.

A sharp white object lay in my palm and I frowned as I tried to figure out what it was.

“It’s a chicken bone,” Mila supplied and I grimaced.

“Ew.” I went to toss it into the bushes, but she caught my arm with a gasp, clamping my hand closed around it.

“It’s your entrance pass to the party tonight. They won’t let you in without it. And if you can’t get in, you can’t initiate.”

“Mila,” I groaned. “I’m not taking part in some stupid hazing shit. I don’t want to be initiated.”

“If you refuse, you’ll automatically go on their shit list.” She sprang in front of me, stopping me in my tracks with a firm glare. “And what did I tell you about people who go on their shit list?”

I rolled my eyes in answer.

“Tatum,” she pushed.

I released a breath of frustration. “You said something about Blake being a butcher.”

“He’s vicious. They all are,” she insisted, her dark eyes suddenly full of concern. “Do what they say and they’ll leave you alone.”

“You sound like you’re afraid of them,” I dropped my voice as the last of the students headed inside.

“I am,” she breathed. “I’m not a pussy, girl, but those guys are dangerous. This is my last warning, okay? Heed it.”

I gazed down at the bone in my hand and sighed, tucking it into my pocket. “Fine, I’ll do their dumb initiation, but I’m not gonna start opening doors for them like some spineless idiot.”

“Yeah those dudes live really sad lives,” Mila sighed then glanced away like she wasn’t telling me something. Did she mean sad like miserable or sad like pathetic?

We headed inside and I frowned at her as she twisted a lock of hair between her fingers, ignoring my probing looks. I clearly wasn’t gonna get more out of her than that.

A huge glass wall ahead of us looked into the enormous sports hall where bleachers sat at one end, overlooking the basketball court in the middle. We peeled off to the right into the girls’ locker room and I headed through the flashy space which had silver lockers with honest-to-shit fingerprint scanners.

Mila helped me Copyright 2016 - 2024