Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,170

practically drooling as I took in all of those muscles and the way he kept brushing against me was sending raging electricity darting everywhere under my skin. I was already turned on from Blake and now this Night Keeper was making things worse. Why couldn’t they be as ugly as their personalities? “I think a little thing like you can squeeze by.”

I swallowed the lump of fury in my throat, narrowing my gaze on him as I saw the dare in his eyes. And dammit if it didn’t spark a wildness in me.

I wasn’t going to back down. And if he wanted a fucking show then he was going to get one.

I mentally amped myself up for what I was about to do, turning to the wall as I took in a slow breath.

Do it.

I dropped my hands, turned around and moved right into his personal space. His eyes widened in surprise as I laid my palms flat on his hot, naked chest and pushed him back a step. He didn’t give in, growling with desire as his eyes dipped down to stare at my breasts.

I pressed myself against him, having to rub my way past him to the door and feeling the hard length of him brushing my skin as I went. Heat burst between my thighs and I stamped my teeth to my lip to fight a moan of desire.

I stepped out onto the bath mat, snatching up a towel and Saint’s robe before hurrying into Kyan’s room to dry myself off. That big-balled piece of shit had gotten me all kinds of hot. Angry hot. Physically hot. Gonna-be-turned-on-for-a-week hot. And I was so pissed at him for it.

When I was dry, I dropped the towel on the floor for him to clean up then pulled on Saint’s robe. It was still hanging open when Kyan walked in, holding a towel to his junk as he rubbed it dry and brushed his teeth with his other hand.

I quickly did up my robe, my throat overly tight as he continued walking toward me, smirking around his toothbrush.

“Get out of my room,” he demanded and I turned my back on him, heading to the door.

“Gladly, asshole,” I called back and his laughter followed me.

I was flustered as hell by the time I reached the stairs leading up to Saint’s room. And it took me way too long to realise Saint wasn’t sitting at the breakfast table on his phone like he had been the past few days at this time.

My pulse elevated as I rounded onto the top of the stairs and found him sitting on the end of his bed with his elbows resting on his knees like he’d been waiting for me. All week he’d left my clothes up here to get changed alone. So why was he here right now? Was everyone in this house determined to see me freaking naked today?!

“Your hair’s wet,” Saint said sternly, rising to his feet. I was only supposed to wash it on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. And I was fairly sure the reason for that was because Saint was batshit.

“Yeah, well tell Kyan not to fucking walk into the shower while I’m in it already and maybe I’ll be able to keep it out of the flow next time,” I snarled and Saint’s eyes widened.

“That asshole,” he muttered, but not like he was pissed at him, like he was freaking jealous.

I pursed my lips, folding my arms around myself and straightening my spine. “I go along with your bullshit, Saint. But we had a deal. Nothing sexual.”

“You being naked doesn’t count as sexual unless one of us is inside you, Barbie,” Saint said coldly and my lips parted in refusal before he barrelled on. “It’s Kyan’s shower, so if you don’t wanna share then get the fuck out of it before he gets in. You gave up your privacy when you became ours. So we’re gonna see you naked and you’re gonna see us naked too. That’s the way it is.”

The injustice of it made me pout like a child and I was half a second from stamping my foot before he turned and stalked away from me into his closet.

I closed my eyes, counting to ten, trying to retreat into that calm place inside of me, but I just couldn’t manage it this morning. I was so pissed off and turned on and gah.

Saint appeared a moment later with a black maxi skirt and a lacy pink top in Copyright 2016 - 2024