Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1) - Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti Page 0,155

hard eventually. But I’d honestly rather cut my dick off than put it into any of the entitled bitches who attended this place.

“I’ll go check the pool,” Tatum announced as I headed towards the gym.

My gaze caught on her ass as she went and I cursed my eyes for looking. Okay, so maybe I’d rather cut my dick off than put it into ninety nine point nine percent of the bitches at this school.


I pushed the door to the gym open and looked around at the darkened space with a frown. My gaze caught on the clock and I raised an eyebrow as I saw that it was gone eight. We’d been sparring for much longer than I’d realised and the student access to this building had ended. The staff were allowed solo use of it after eight, but it didn’t look like anyone had taken that opportunity up. Most of them were too lazy to keep fit in their spare time anyway so I wasn’t all that surprised.

“Hello?” I called, giving it a moment before accepting that no one was in here.

I headed back out into the corridor and pushed open the door to the pool just as Tatum pulled it from the other side and we almost crashed into each other.

She stumbled back and I caught her waist as she grabbed my biceps.

My lips parted, but for a moment I didn’t say anything and neither did she.

“Sorry,” I said just as she blurted, “Thank you.”

She smirked at me and I pushed my tongue into my cheek.

“I didn’t find anyone in the gym,” I said.

“There’s no one here, either,” she added.

“So…we’re alone in here?” I asked, realising that I was still holding her up and I quickly let go. “For two days?”

“Unless you want to get arrested,” she teased, her hands slipping from my arms slowly, her fingertips skimming along my flesh. I shouldn’t have liked the way that felt. And I didn’t. I refused to.

“Not again,” I joked and she looked at me like she wanted to know whether or not I meant that. I didn’t. I’d gotten into a bit of trouble with the cops in my teenage years, but I couldn’t afford to get a criminal record or I wouldn’t have been able to take this job. And ever since Saint’s family ruined mine, revenge had been pretty much all I’d worked for.

“Six feet back, remember, sir,” Tatum said as she started backing up and I rolled my eyes at her, though I really should have been the one to remember that.

“I wouldn’t want you any closer than six feet anyway, Rivers.”

Her smile slipped a little as I used my teacher tone and I ignored the twinge in my gut that said I felt bad about that before turning away from her.

“We might as well grab showers and get out of these sweaty clothes,” I said as I headed for the men’s locker rooms. “And into some clean ones,” I added hastily, glancing over my shoulder at her.

Tatum’s expression tightened at the mention of clean clothes like there was some issue with that, but she didn’t say anything about it before heading off into the women’s locker room.

On my way, I quickly sent admin a text to let them know that we were out here, wondering how long it would take them to organise supplies and deliver some food to us.

I made quick work of showering and pulled on a fresh pair of grey shorts and a black tank. My hair was wet, but I didn’t have anything to style it with so I just tucked it behind my ears and left it at that.

I headed to locker twelve in the corner of the room and pressed my thumb to the lock on it to open the door. I often stayed late here to work out after my training sessions with students so I had a healthy supply of snacks stashed.

I grabbed my gym bag and tossed in the protein bars, nuts, seeds, dried apricots, protein shake mix, raisins, rice cakes and a jar of peanut butter I kept there.

Dammit, this is a boring fucking bag of food to offer her.

I normally just took the punishment of my healthy eating habits without complaint during the week so that I could focus on my workout goals and then I just had cheat days on the weekend to help keep my sanity. But right now, I was looking at the most boring fucker of a feast I’d ever Copyright 2016 - 2024