The King's Bride By Arrangement - Annie West Page 0,44

moved onto his social reform agenda and were soon debating the pros and cons of a number of initiatives.

Paul enjoyed the way Eva was ready to listen to a contrary view and to argue her case. In fact, he intended to refer a couple of initiatives she mentioned to the appropriate staff for further investigation.

All in all, it had been a productive evening. Their dinner out would be reported on and read about by those hungry for signs of a royal split. Eva herself looked so much more relaxed than she had this morning after the press conference.

And now...

He smiled as he helped her into the car then walked around to the driver’s seat. Now they had the rest of the night to themselves.

It was only that thought, the promise of Eva’s sweet body in his bed later, that had got him through the hours of sitting with her unable to do more than touch her hand.

It had been a revelation, watching her face change as she’d spoken enthusiastically about a project, queried some detail or, occasionally, complimented him on an achievement. Paul hadn’t thought himself a vain man but Eva’s praise, and the light of approval in her wide eyes, had done crazy things to his ego and his self-control.

He got into the car, strapped on his belt and started the ignition.

‘Now, tell me. What was it you couldn’t say at the restaurant?’ He let out the clutch and the car purred down the long driveway.

Paul looked forward to hearing Eva purr exactly like that, arching under his touch and rubbing herself needily against him. Tonight there’d only be time to do a few of the things he’d been imagining ever since they’d left the seclusion of the hunting lodge. But that would be a start.

Heat stoked deep in his belly and his smile widened. Soon...

‘This charade,’ she began, then stopped. ‘Our engagement.’

‘Yes?’ Paul’s neck prickled. Something in her voice warned him he wasn’t going to like this.

‘We’re going to review the situation in six weeks and decide on the best time to announce we’re splitting, right?’

Paul felt an instant protest rise on his tongue and frowned. Six weeks was far too soon to be sure Eva’s reputation wasn’t damaged. And to put an end to the passionate encounters they’d only just begun.

‘Right,’ he said slowly.

It was what they’d agreed. No need to say that he was already sure six weeks wouldn’t be enough. It had been a tough couple of days for Eva and there was no point getting into an argument about it now. He’d prove to her in the coming month and a half that their engagement should last longer. In fact, all things considered, he was tempted to suggest...

‘So I’m only in St Ancilla for a short time before I move on with my life.’

Paul’s frown deepened. He didn’t like the finality of the picture she was painting. He opened his mouth to respond but she was already speaking.

‘In the circumstances, it’s better if we don’t repeat what happened the other night.’ Paul’s hands tightened on the wheel and the car veered towards the centre line before he dragged it back. ‘We need to keep this as simple and straightforward as possible. I don’t want sex with you, Paul. Not tonight. Not ever again.’


OF COURSE HE tried to change her mind. But once more Eva showed that obstinate streak he’d discovered just a couple of days before.

Nothing he said made a difference. And, as she refused to continue their discussion somewhere private when they returned to the palace, Paul wasn’t able to persuade her using more direct methods.

His hands tingled as he considered those direct methods. As he remembered their combustible passion in the few short hours they’d had together. How could she turn her back on what they’d shared? On him?

He spent the night alone in his vast bed, restless and frustrated.

It was amazing how a single night with Eva had shattered his calm, ordered world. True, that night had marked the end of a four-year sexual drought. But surely if he’d mastered anything it was abstinence?

Yet this morning, despite his lack of sleep, he couldn’t sit still, as if his body refused to obey the dictates of his mind and focus on work and unrelenting duty. For the first time ever he found it difficult to fix his thoughts on the range of problems and decisions facing him. He spent most of the time pacing his office, alternately hoping Eva had had Copyright 2016 - 2024