The King's Bride By Arrangement - Annie West Page 0,36

the raging whirl of emotions inside.

Putting down the glass, she held out her hand for his phone. ‘Show me.’

Hers was still in the small bag she’d taken with her last night and the battery was flat.

‘I don’t think you really—’

‘No, I’m sure I don’t want to see what they say.’ Determined, she held his gaze. ‘But I need to. Please.’

Reluctantly, he placed in on her palm. Her fingers closed round it tentatively, as if it might bite. Her mouth curled in a bitter smile. It was too late to worry about getting hurt. The damage was done.

Even so, the next five minutes were a test of her endurance. Her stomach curdled as she read the stories and speculation about her. When she saw the photo, her stomach cramped so hard she thought she’d vomit.

From this angle you couldn’t tell the embrace was forced. It was obvious he’d kissed her and the position of his groping hand at her breast was revoltingly clear.

Her hand was up against his shoulder. Eva recalled shoving with all her might. But that could look as though she’d clung for support.

The shot was taken from one side. Fabrice’s face was unclear but the side of Eva’s face was in focus, including one of the distinctive sapphire earrings she’d worn to the ball that night. And, if there’d been any doubt about her identity, the engagement ring Paul had given her was there for all to see. A pear-shaped blue diamond. It was truly distinctive.

A shudder passed through her then she gave the phone back to him and got up, collecting both his coffee cup and hers.

‘Where are you going?’ Instantly Paul was beside her.

Did he think she was going to storm off?

And do what? Track down Fabrice, whose surname she didn’t even know, and force him to admit what had happened?

Complain to the press?

Rant on social media?

Eva breathed deep and tipped the cold coffee out of the untouched cups.

‘To make us fresh coffee.’ She didn’t need the caffeine. She already had so much adrenaline storming through her bloodstream, she’d be wired for the rest of the day. But it gave her something to do.

‘I’m sorry about this, Eva.’

‘It’s not your fault.’ She sent him a sideways glance, noting the harsh set of his steely jaw.

‘It is. I should have thought about photos. But all I could focus on was making you safe and getting you away from there.’

Eva concentrated on measuring the ground coffee. ‘And I’m grateful.’

She couldn’t let herself dwell on how she felt right now. Or on the temptation to seek comfort in his arms.

From the corner of her eye she saw him rake his hand through his hair. The gesture pulled his thin sweater taut across his chest and her breath snagged. Not in distress but appreciation.

Her emotions were all over the place. If Paul turned to her now, took her hand and whispered seduction in her ear, she’d follow him back up the stairs to that round tower-room and let his loving push all this grimy gossip from her mind.

He didn’t.

Of course he didn’t.

‘We’ll deal with this, Eva. Don’t fret.’

She shot him a stunned glance, then realised she shouldn’t be surprised. Paul had a protective streak a mile wide and a well-honed sense of responsibility.

But Eva was no longer his responsibility.

‘You don’t need to get involved. I’ll handle it once I’m gone.’


She frowned, her thoughts on what she had to do next.

Eva handed him his tiny cup and picked up her own, sniffing the rich aroma, telling herself she’d feel stronger once she’d drunk it.

‘Once I’m in Tarentia. We’re no longer engaged, remember?’

For a second he stood motionless, regarding her. Then he lifted the cup and drank, not even grimacing as he swallowed the scalding hot coffee.

He half-turned to put his cup down then faced her again, the picture of assured, powerful male. To her dismay, Eva really did feel tempted to lean against that broad shoulder and let him take charge.

‘You’re upset, and that seems to have affected your memory. Fortunately, I have perfect recall. I raised the possibility of breaking our engagement and you didn’t like the idea. We agreed to discuss it today.’

‘Okay, we’ll discuss it now.’ She sipped her coffee, willing the warm liquid to make her feel stronger. ‘I agree that we should end the engagement. It’s sensible for us to split up.’

A half-smile hooked up the corner of Paul’s mouth. Despite the sick feeling lurking in her stomach, his smile sent delicious warmth cascading through her. Copyright 2016 - 2024