The King's Bastard - By Rowena Cory Daniells Page 0,135

fast in winter.

Elina needed to know that Lence was betrothed in case she contemplated opening her heart to him. She'd always been fond of Lence.

Slipping out of the bed, Piro reached for her shawl. Her toes curled on the cold rug and she quickly tucked them into her slippers and padded to the door. Elina's chamber was next to hers. She'd tell Elina now, warn her not to believe Lence's compliments and maybe take the chance to plead Byren's case.

But when she came to the door it was slightly ajar and the room was empty. Where was Elina?

Piro crept down the hall until she heard muffled voices from the balcony which overlooked the great hall. There was a rustling then a male chuckle.

'One kiss is never enough,' Lence cajoled. 'Let's see what you have under this - ow!'

Piro smiled, pleased. The wooing wasn't going all his way for once.

'I said one kiss and that's all I meant. I'm not one of your rolls in the hay, Lence,' Elina snapped. 'Now, what did you want to see me about?'

'They've betrothed me to a Merofynian prize cow!'


'And all the while I've been dreaming of you. Dreaming of your smooth, milky skin, your sparkling obsidian eyes, your -'

'You're betrothed, Lence? When did this happen?'

'Midwinter. They betrothed me to Isolt, that usurper Merofyn's daughter. I am the true heir, not him or his daughter.'

'We had not heard about your betrothal.' Elina spoke slowly, clearly shocked. 'I -'

'It doesn't matter. I'll be coming for you.'

'But what about your betrothed?'

Yes, Piro thought. What about her?

'Don't worry. That marriage will never come to pass. I'll be back to claim you, Elina. You understand?'

'I don't see how you can agree to a betrothal then -'

'I'm going to be king and, when I am, I'll choose my own bride and it will be you. So promise you'll wait for me.'

She gave a bitter laugh. 'I'm not about to marry anyone else.'

'Not even Byren?' Lence countered, as if he couldn't help himself.

'Byren? He preferred my brother to me!' It was a cry from the heart.

Piro jumped, thumping her elbow on the wainscoting.

'What was that?' Elina sounded alarmed.

'Nothing. Rats -'

'We don't have rats at Dovecote. I had the best ratters in only last week -'

'Forget the rats, Elina.' Lence didn't sound surprised by Elina's revelation about his twin. 'What makes you think Byren's a Servant of Palos?'

'He told father that he and Orrie are lovers. That's why father disinherited Orrade. Da's devastated. He made us promise to tell no one.'

Then why had she told Lence? Piro frowned.

'And now Byren wants to meet me at the water-wheel tomorrow afternoon,' Elina muttered. 'But I don't see how anything he says could change the situation. He's a lover of men and I won't be second best!'

Piro cursed under her breath.

'Did you hear something?' Elina whispered.

'There's someone in the hall.' Lence's voice grew alarmingly loud as he strode along the balcony towards the corridor.

Piro fled.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The next morning, Piro woke late. She'd spent another night with bad dreams, only these hadn't been about wyverns hunting her, but manticores. What next? As she finished dressing, there was a knock at the door, and she answered it, feeling tired and grumpy.

Elina stood there, flushed with anger. 'Why didn't you tell me that Lence was betrothed?'

'I thought you knew. Everyone knew,' Piro replied, then said the first thing that came into her head. 'Besides, I thought you only had eyes for Byren -'

'Byren?' Elina's laugh held fury. 'There's something you should know about your precious brother, he's a lover of men!'

'He is not!'

'He is and he used me, whispering sweet words in my ear so he could spend time with my brother!'

'That's ridiculous.'

'He made me look ridiculous. An excuse, that's all I was.' Elina's voice rose dangerously. 'How they must have laughed at me, the two of them!'

'Quiet, Elina. Think of the servants,' Garzik warned, as he came out of his chamber. 'Think of father.'

'What about my feelings?' Elina implored.

'What about Orrade?' Piro countered. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a servant standing open-mouthed. 'Think how he must feel. He's your own brother. How could you turn your back on him? He has no family now, nothing!'

'He has Byren Kingson for his -'

'Lina!' Piro slapped the older girl.

Elina staggered back two steps, stunned, her hand going to her cheek.

More doors opened. Brookfield and Dellton came out of their room. Lence looked up the hall to see what the shouting was all about and strode towards Copyright 2016 - 2024