The King's Bastard - By Rowena Cory Daniells Page 0,12

fourteen-year-olds struggling with an ulfr carcass. 'Here, that's not the way to go about it!'

Byren watched him march off. They'd keep the skins, but the carcasses would be left for forest creatures to scavenge. No self-respecting person ate Affinity-touched meat.

While the others set to work skinning the beasts, Byren knelt next to Orrade. His hand slipped under his friend's vest to close over the symbol of Palos.

Orrade's hand caught his arm. 'Why...'

'I'm hiding it.' With a tug, Byren broke the chain, shoving the pendant into his pouch. 'You'll be stripped and cleaned for the healer.'

'How'd Orrie hurt his head?' Garzik said as he returned and dropped to his knees beside Byren. 'Was it raiders or beasts?'

'Nothing so exciting, a falling branch!' Orrade told him.

His brother's face fell.

Byren laughed. 'Help me get him home, Garza. But first, did you bring any food?'

'Of course -'

'Good,' Orrade muttered. 'I could do with a hot dinner.'

Byren grinned and stood up, hauling Orrade to his feet. His friend went to move, tripping over a dead ulfr. Garzik caught him, laughing. Then the laughter died on his lips, as Orrade's sightless eyes sought the source of his voice.

'Halcyon save us!' The boy turned to Byren. 'Orrie's blind!'

Hearing this, the Dovecote captain came over, his gaze going straight to Byren who lifted his hands helplessly.

'It was the blow to my head.' Orrade touched the lump behind his right ear gingerly. Below the hasty bandage, matted blood made his long black hair a tangled mess. 'When I came round I had a pounding headache and I couldn't see.'

Byren sought Blackwing's eyes, hoping the experienced campaigner could offer him some hope, but there was only sympathy in his gaze. Byren felt sick to his stomach.

Garzik's face went white. 'What will Father say?'

'He'll say he's glad his son's not dead!' Captain Blackwing told them. 'Then he'll call for his healer. Prepare some hot food, Garza.'

While the lad built a cooking fire, Blackwing took Byren aside. He glanced to the Dovecote brothers, who were crouched by the fire adding chunks of salted meat and spices to the pot. 'I can send a couple of men back with you -'

'You'll need every man you have until you get to the village. Garza and I can manage, we're heading away from danger.'

'Hmmm.' Blackwing considered this. 'We're not far from the Ridgetop Farm. They can loan you a horse and sled -'

'I can skate. I'm not useless.' Orrade raised his voice. 'If Byren leads me, I can skate.'

'Of course you can,' Byren said. He and Blackwing exchanged looks. 'Can we borrow skates from you?'

The canals followed the lie of the land, weaving through the valleys. In midwinter, they formed frozen roads between the major settlements.

'Certainly.' Blackwing studied Orrade, who had to feel around to find wood to feed the fire. The captain lowered his voice to a whisper. 'Are you sure you can manage, kingson?'

'We'll tie him between us.' Byren said. 'He'll be fine.'

And he was, for a while. They travelled overland, reaching Topaz Lake in the hour before dawn, and strapped on their skates. Fortunately for Byren, they were basic skates - a bladed sole, with straps - so he could tie them around his large boots. From Topaz they followed the shoreline, skating northeast to reach the canals, and wended their way south to Dovecote stronghold.

They were skating three across when Orrade lost his balance. He sprawled on his belly, taking them with him. They laughed and lay there panting on the ice which reflected the brilliant stars. Then Byren realised Orrade was the only one not laughing.

'You all right, Orrie?' he asked, scrambling over to him.

'Sorry.' His friend struggled to sit up. 'It's my head... thumping fit to burst.'

'Can you keep going?' Byren asked.

'Of course I can. I'd do anything for a warm bath and bed,' Orrade said, but his smile was strained.

Byren hauled him upright and they skated on.

The second time Orrade fell, skidding full length on the ice, Byren slewed his skates side-on and came to a stop before he was jerked off his feet. Garzik did likewise, looking to Byren.

'We can build a sled and pull him,' Byren answered his unspoken question.

When they bent to help Orrade, he reared up on his knees like a startled deer. 'Quick, off the canal. They're almost upon us!'

The panic in his voice made Byren spin around. He saw no one on the lake, but a bend obscured his view along the shore.

'Hide!' Orrade lunged, his movements taking him towards the bank Copyright 2016 - 2024