The King's Bastard - By Rowena Cory Daniells Page 0,116

to think of when you were a ruler. Piro was glad she was not a warlord.

Servants came up from the kitchen with platters of cold meat, sliced preserves and day-old bread. Piro could just imagine the poor cook madly scrambling to serve up a breakfast feast without warning. Still, there was enough for everyone. While the others ate and talked, Piro slipped treats to the unistag. Having eaten her fill, she just wanted to curl up and sleep. The spot in front of the big fireplace looked good.

That evening Byren strode into the great hall of unistag Stronghold to see Lady Unace in her place as the new warlord. Clearly unhurt, she sat at the high table with her infant son in her arms. The healer still looked pale from his wound. Byren had been given a full description of how they won the day and, as soon as he had formally greeted the new warlord, he looked around for Piro.

'Are you hungry, Byren? You must be!' Unace decided. 'Today has been one long feast but I'm sure the cook can find enough to feed you and your men. I owe you a debt, kingson, and I won't forget it!'

'Where's Piro?' he whispered.

She smiled. 'Our goatherd is by the fireplace.'

Byren spotted Piro, asleep like so many other exhausted supporters. And not far from her, in pride of place, was the unistag. Someone had taken down the large emblem from above the fireplace and spread it on the floor. The Affinity beast knelt on its namesake, dozing in the heat.

'After what happened today, the unistag must stay,' Unace told Byren.

He nodded.

Unace frowned. 'But when your sister leaves...'

He understood. How were they to resolve this? Much as he liked Unace, he didn't want to leave his sister here. 'I must speak with Piro.'

He weaved his way through the tables and sleeping bodies to kneel at Piro's side. Curled into a ball, hand near her mouth, she looked absurdly young. He touched her gently on the shoulder.

Like a warrior on a raid, she woke instantly. He saw fear and horror in her eyes, making his heart lurch with guilt. Then she recognised him and beamed. 'Byren!'

'Yes, little goatherd. I hear you have been busy. Come up to the high table.' He stood, pulling her to her feet.

She laughed and went to hug him, then remembered that she was meant to be a goatherd and gestured to the busy hall. 'Did you ever think your ploy would be so successful?'

He smiled slowly. 'It is everything I hoped.' Then he sobered. 'But we have a problem. The unistag must stay here, Piro. I know you're fond of -'

'Oh, I agree. He must stay to validate Unace's rule.'

'Validate Unace's rule?' Byren teased, then rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. 'I don't see how it can be done since he is so attached to you.'

Unace's infant son gave a lusty squall. Byren glanced towards the high table to see the new warlord feeding her baby. It was an odd sight, but considering how warlord Steerden maintained his power through fear, having a warlord who personified the goddess Halcyon would reassure the people of Unistag Spar. Seagrass poured Unace a drink and adjusted the cushion behind her.

'Don't fret, Byren,' Piro announced. 'I know how we can keep the unistag happy.'

She darted away towards the high table just as servants arrived with platters of hot food, beef and sage stew, freshly baked bread and cinnamon apples for his men. Byren's stomach rumbled appreciatively and he headed towards his place at the table.

He only hoped Piro was right. But for now he concentrated on eating while noting that she was speaking very seriously to the healer, who seemed to agree with her. Strange, before today he would have said Piro was hardly more than a wilful child. Now, he felt inclined to trust her judgement.

Two days later, still in her disguise as a lowly goatherd, Piro waited to leave Unistag Castle. The rest of Byren's men had loaded their pack ponies, ready to leave. She scratched at a flea bite and wished the formalities finished. It had been fun to sleep on the floor with the servants, and go where she wanted with no one to question her. But there were disadvantages. How she longed to get home so she could have a bath, rid herself of fleas and change into clean clothes!

Warlord Unace cleared her throat and the crowd in the courtyard fell silent. 'As a symbol of the loyalty of Copyright 2016 - 2024