The King's Bastard - By Rowena Cory Daniells Page 0,108


There was a hushed intake of breath. The healer, who was the only other person to know of their plan, stepped in to play his part.

'Lady Unace,' he pleaded. 'Think -'

'Too late,' Byren snapped. 'Rolencia has been insulted. I cannot stay.' He glanced at the sun as if to gauge how much time he had before nightfall. 'We'll march now.'

'Lady Unace?' Seagrass repeated.

'Good riddance,' she snapped and strode into her snow-cave.

As Byren went back to his snow-cave, news travelled apace with him. Old fighters sent him worried looks, young men muttered under their breath. The scattering of women, some camp followers, the rest shield-maidens, exclaimed at the news then discussed the argument, their high voices carrying above the men's.

The healer caught up with Byren as if to try and persuade him to stay.

'We'll meet you at the Lower Portals, midday tomorrow,' he confirmed.

'All being well, Temor should be there with the unistag,' Byren whispered, then raised his voice. 'No. I won't be insulted. Tell her she can come crawling to me!'

By the time he entered his own fire circle the men knew. They were gathered uneasily, waiting for him.

'Orrie, see to the packing,' Byren ordered. 'We march as soon as we're able. I won't spend another night in this camp.'

Orrade left Garzik's side and approached him, speaking softly. 'Byren, stop and think. If Rolencia pulls out now -'

'Warlord Steerden may hear of it and open the gates to attack. So be it!' It had been a possibility he had discussed with Unace. People would think him ill-tempered and hasty. He'd thought himself ready for this but, now that he saw the disappointment in Orrade's eyes, he was surprised by how much it stung. Byren wished he could have been honest with Orrade of all people, but the fewer who knew about this trick, the more chance it had of succeeding.

He consoled himself with the thought that they would reach the Lower Portals just after dusk, where Temor and the unistag would be waiting just out of sight.

Piro perched on the ledge, watching the track below the Lower Portals, while trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. Now that their meeting was imminent, she realised Byren was not going to be pleased to see her, but she had their mother's support. As far as the rest of Rolenhold knew the kingsdaughter was in bed with a sore throat, refusing to see anyone but Seela.

Above her the sky gleamed like mother-of-pearl, but here on the steep slope twilight cloaked the jagged rocks. Chilled from sitting still for so long, Piro blew on her hands to warm them. The soft snort of a tired pony made her listen intently. Yes. They were coming.

She jumped from the ledge, running down the path to meet them and test her disguise. Would Byren and the others recognise her?

Taking up a stance, she leant against a rock, watching them come round the bend.

The first man-at-arms was tired and grumpy, obviously not looking forward to making camp in the dark.

'Out of the way, goatherd,' he muttered, brushing past her.

She stepped aside and let them pass. They hardly cast her a second glance. Out of devilment she fell into step beside Garzik's pony which Orrade was leading.

'Spare a coin for a poor goatherd, kind sor?' she whined, holding up a hand and cringing as if she expected to be kicked.

Orrade barely glanced at her, eyes on the track ahead. Garzik looked tired and his gaze went right through her. That's right. Temor said Garzik was recovering from the amfina bite, that explained Orrade's distraction. Trust Garzik to get in the way of an enraged amfina.

Piro spied Byren leading another pony.

'Spare a coin for a poor goatherd, kind sor?' she repeated, hand extended palm up. 'Please, sor.'

Byren frowned and felt in the pony's pack, pulling out a roast chicken wrapped in calico. He tore off a leg. 'Here, take this and be off with you.'

Piro contained a bubble of laughter and accepted the chicken. She was hungry after all. 'Is that all you can spare, sor?' She winked as she said it.

Byren blinked, and stepped off the path, handing the pony's lead to the man behind him. He lowered his voice. 'Piro? What are you doing here?'

'Hush. I am a simple goatherd.' She danced in front of him, just stopping herself from hugging him. 'And I'm bringing the unistag. What made you think he'd go anywhere with Captain Temor?'

Byren frowned. 'Does Mother -'

'She knows.' Piro rolled her eyes. 'I Copyright 2016 - 2024