Kings of Anarchy (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #3) - Caroline Peckham


Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep

Book 3

Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Table of Contents


Campus Map.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

B lood. There was so much fucking blood. My hands were painted red with it, my shirt soaked through, the leaves at my feet stained wet with it, the crimson colour catching in the faint moonlight from above.

"Tatum!" Monroe bellowed as he raced away down the dirt track, running at full speed, not even sparing a glance back at us as he chased after her.

"Fuck," I cursed as I pressed down harder, trying to stop the warmth which was still pulsing from Saint's body beneath my hands.

He'd passed out. Or at least I hoped he'd passed out. Because the alternative was a reality I refused to function in. There wasn't a world without Saint Memphis presiding over it as a self appointed god. There just wasn't.

My heart was leaping and pounding in my chest with a desperate frantic ache which made me feel like I was tearing in two. Tatum needed me. But Saint would most certainly be dead if I didn't stop this fucking blood.

Heavy footsteps tore towards me and I looked up to find Kyan running back my way, his face a mask of deadly intent which promised bloodshed and butchery.

"Keep him alive," he barked at me as he passed, refusing to even look at Saint, like he didn't want to have to admit that it might already be too late for that. "I'm going to get our girl."

"How?" I demanded as I leaned back just enough to rip my shirt off so that I could ball it up and press it down on the bloody wound and staunch the bleeding better.

"Make a bargain with the devil himself if you have to," Kyan snarled as he kept running past me, heading straight for the cabin in the opposite direction to the way that Tatum had just been taken. "That cloven hoofed asshole won't want Saint coming down to hell to steal his throne anyway."

I released a noise which was part strangled laughter, part enraged refusal of reality and part pure fucking grief, but Kyan was already racing up the blood-soaked stairs to the cabin before disappearing inside.

"Don't die on me you hateful bastard," I snarled at Saint as I looked down at his almost peaceful face. Shit, he didn't even look evil in that moment and it was disconcerting as fuck.

Monroe's desperate yells were fading into the distance as he raced away after Tatum and that motherfucker who’d taken her on foot and I couldn't even see him between the trees down the track anymore.

Kyan reappeared with a set of keys in his grip, sprinting across the wooden deck before the cabin and launching himself off of it before leaping onto a bike I hadn't even noticed leaning against a tree to the side of the clearing.

"I'm getting her back whatever it takes," he said, not so much as an inch of doubt in his words and leaving me certain that he'd do it, no matter the cost. He laid the bloody baseball bat across his lap and jammed the keys into the ignition.

"Rip his fucking head off for me!" I yelled just as Kyan started the bike up and the roar of the engine broke the silence of the forest.

"I'll do worse than that," he swore and with a spray of dirt, he sped off down the track, leaving me alone with a dying man.

"Fuck, brother," I hissed, gazing at Saint's lifeless face as I continued to press down on the bullet wound as hard as I fucking could. "Don't leave us now."

With a curse, I leaned forward pressing down on the wound even harder in a desperate bid to stop the bleeding. The bullet was still in there and I had to hope that was a good thing because there wasn’t an exit wound for me to contend with too. I just didn’t know if it had hit anything too important on the way in.

He needed a fucking ambulance but we were lost in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corpses and well beyond the range of any cell signal.

My arms trembled as I fought to staunch the wound and cursed myself as fear took hold of me and locked me in its iron grip. I couldn’t lose anyone else. I couldn’t.

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