The Kingdom's Crown (Inheritance of Hunger #3) - Kathryn Moon Page 0,99

in a new direction, away from the main center and toward the western edge where the shipping docks were busy, even so late at night. Buildings bore the brunt of the sea air here, their paint chipped and stripped from the wooden structures. It was loud, many of the buildings appearing to be either warehouses or inns and taverns.

But the loudest, largest, and most weathered building—set away from the docks and surrounded by dark warehouses—was our destination. Aric stopped his horse short, keeping us in the shadow of two silent buildings. I pulled Crescent to a reluctant stop, Cosmo pressed to my back, his arm around my waist.

"We'll tether the horses here. They look a little fine to be waiting outside Thatcher's," Aric said. "I'll charm them safe."

Cosmo and I jumped down together, a quick echo of boots hitting damp cobblestone close behind. It was cold, and I pulled my cloak tighter around me as a sharp lick of sea air snuck its way through the narrow alleyways to butt against us.

"Will you tell Griffin about your tiger?" Thao asked me as Aric tied our horses to the post.

"Of course," I said grinning. "I can't wait to see her, really."

"Her letter was a little ominous," Wendell said, a faint frown on his face as he stared at the bright windows of the massive building we were heading for. It was the only brick building in the area that I'd seen, and even that didn't drown the sound of music and chaotic conversation inside.

I nodded, sliding my hands into the pockets of my simple skirt. It'd been such a long time since I'd been able to dress as I had in the north, and it was nice to be out in the world as Bryony rather than the princess, even if my role tonight was still political.

"Let's go," Aric said, striding to the front to lead our party. I followed without thinking, and a moment later, his steps slowed. "I just remembered I'm not king," he said, turning back to me with a sheepish smile. "You'd better take the lead. It'll be crowded, loud. Cassius will be behind the bar, he always is. He keeps his spies on the floor. Griffin will find us after we've made our introductions."

I nodded and moved into the lead, Cresswell and Aric framing me at my back and the others moving into their own positions. My feet seemed to bounce on the beaten stones as I walked to the noisy doorway. I was excited to see Griffin, but I was even more excited to be thinking about something other than Kimmery's crown for the night.

No one seemed to take notice of us as we entered, or if they did, they were too good at hiding it. The volume was deafening, and the room was dense with activity. There were narrow pathways around small tables packed with too many people, and even more faces overhead on a balcony surrounding the great open room. There was a stage ahead of us with a lively band of players, more shadowy seating beneath the balcony to our left, and a vast and heavily populated bar to our right. Aric said the other king would be behind it, but I couldn't see any sign of a bartender through the crush of bodies.

"Griffin?" I asked Aric, somewhat intimidated by the crowd.

"Just get to the bar," Aric said, leaning in to speak directly into my ear.

I sucked in a breath, stepping bravely forward, and was nearly barreled over by a massive man. Cresswell pulled me back into his chest and then propelled us forward together, his arm firmly around my waist.

"I hate this," Cress shouted to Aric.

"She has more enemies in the castle than she does here," Aric answered back, just a touch quieter.

"They can't get this close to her there."

I'd fisted my hands in my pockets, gathering strength, and marched into the mass of bodies surrounding the bar. I was smaller than my men, more easily able to shoulder my way between the strangers who seemed used to being bullied about. I squeezed my way closer, Cress's hand wrapped tight around my arm like an anchor, until finally, just when the oppression of so many people so close grew to be overwhelming, I broke free to the front, the edge of the bar crashing suddenly into my ribs as two strangers stepped away.

The wall behind the bar was full of bottles, far more colors and shapes than I'd ever seen. Of Copyright 2016 - 2024