Kingdom of Exiles - Maxym M. Martineau Page 0,76

anything happens to him—”

The Laharock roared without moving. She was being careful, keeping her young within defending distance while asserting her territory. Her precaution would only last so long. Soon, she’d realize we were easy prey and make dinner out of all of us.

“Nothing will happen to him. I promise.” The door to the realm groaned open, and my Asura, Quilla, materialized before us. Her cow head swiveled round until all ten eyes locked on me. She made a move to position herself beside me, to activate her protective shield and keep me safe, but I shook my head and pointed at Felicks. “Protect him. At all costs.”

Quilla hugged Felicks to her chest with her middle arms and sauntered toward the edge of the forest line behind us. She sat cross-legged on the ground, nestled Felicks in her lap, and then extended her arms. Shield activated.

“Don’t move,” Kost said to his beast. Felicks barked, and the clouds in his gem cleared. Future determined.

“Well?” Calem edged forward. His fingers twitched.

“Easy, Calem.” Noc glanced between him and me. The blood blade in his hand glistened in the sun and made my gut churn.

“We’re not killing her. She’s got a child. Which means…”

“Taming,” Kost said. He pressed one finger to his temple, brow furrowed. “Felicks doesn’t see it yet, but that doesn’t mean—look out!”

The Laharock charged and we scattered, the men sinking away into the shadows and me leaping to the side. I rolled against the ground, grains of sand worming into my skin. Unable to see the assassins, the beast turned toward me. Heat sweltered in the space around her. Rocketing to my feet, I launched several yards back. The edge of the ocean kissed the heels of my shoes.

Kost reappeared first, finger still pressed to his temple. “Calem, Ozias—don’t try it!”

Both men manifested from the shadows, flanking her sides and aiming blades at the backs of the beast’s knees. But at Kost’s command, they peeled off and fell back into darkness. If they’d gone through with their actions, the Laharock’s heat would have burned their skin down to the bone.

I caught Felicks in my peripheral vision and the swirling glint of vibrant amethyst atop his head. Still telegraphing. Adjusting predictions based on our actions. He was remarkable.

Noc materialized before me, onyx tendrils spreading outward and lightly caressing my skin. The Laharock charged, and Noc yanked me toward him, pulling me into the depths of darkness and the safety of his arms. A world as black and endless as the night sky encompassed us, faint gleaming shades of gray weaving through the ink. Between the slate-black color of his hair and eyes, I couldn’t tell where he began and the shadows ended. Forehead scrunched in worry, he pressed me closer for a moment before Queens Isle returned, ocean waves and blazing hot sun before us.

My mind reeled as I tried to grapple with the sudden change in surroundings. Noc’s grip on my wrist tightened. He’d moved us into the water and the Laharock was standing her ground on the beach, howling and tossing her head to the sky. An ocean wave crested against the back of my knees.

“Are you okay?” Noc positioned himself in front of me, drawing the brunt of the beast’s attention.

“I’m fine.” Black swirls toyed with the corners of my vision, but they faded with the force of the sun. Still pacing and roaring, the beast tested the edge of the water before retracting her foot. Salt water corroded Laharock scales if they spent too much time in it.

Kost, Calem, and Ozias joined us. We’ll handle this. Together. Noc was right—this was not a beast I could tackle alone. Kost’s rigid stare was locked on Felicks. Quilla hadn’t moved. Their stillness made them a nonthreat to the Laharock, who only had eyes for us.

“Kost, tell us what to do.” As much as I wanted to take point, this is where Kost excelled: calculation. And with a beast that could predict the future? He needed to be the one at the helm.

He drew his head back, stared. “If you insist.” His fingers went to his temple. “We need to separate the mother and child. That’s how we win. Felicks is showing me…a water beast? A fish? I can’t quite make it out.”

A grin tugged at my lips. “Selenis.”

Taking several deep breaths, I channeled all my power into my hands, and the door to the beast realm swung open. A tremble disrupted the ocean waves. Selenis would act as a conduit Copyright 2016 - 2024