King of Pain - Tasha Black Page 0,18

stayed the same, although the price seemed scandalous, especially for a special. She thought of Cullen’s stacks of cash and decided it would be fine.

At least her memory was clearly coming back.

“Make it two, please,” Cullen said, looking very distracted.

Jessica looked down at her hands, trying to envision what it meant that she had been gone so long.

“My parents,” she said. “Are they…?”

“They’re fine,” he told her. “Older, but fine.”

She nodded, trying to picture her parents in their late seventies and couldn’t do it.

“Holy shit,” Cullen murmured.

He was looking up at a television by the cash register. It was playing the Philadelphia news. The picture was incredible. It was like looking out a clear window.

The person on the screen was a woman about her age, with fiery red hair in a tight bun. She wore a locket that seemed almost familiar. Another memory threatened to surface, but when Jessica tried to focus on it, it slipped away.

“So Dolor Enterprises is funding the entire project?” an off-screen reporter asked the woman. “This is the third major gift locally just this year.”

Jessica knew the name. Dolor was Cullen’s company.

She glanced at him.

He was observing the television in awe.

“Charity is one of Mr. Ward’s philosophical cornerstones,” the red-haired woman with the locket replied. “This homeless shelter represents his love for the underprivileged people of Pennsylvania. Though we may have fallen on hard times, we can always lean on each other.”

“Kind words from a kind woman,” the reporter said, his face taking over the screen. “Miranda Cannon is Mr. Ward’s de facto successor and head of Dolor Charitable Giving. Thank you for your time, Ms. Cannon.”

“The pleasure was mine,” Miranda Cannon replied.

She flashed a very genuine smile, and Jessica noticed a dimple on her left cheek.

There was something so familiar about that woman. Jessica wondered if she’d known her in her previous time here. She started to do the mental math, but Cullen interrupted her thoughts.

“My God,” he murmured. “She did it.”

“Who did it?” Jessica asked.

“Sorry,” Cullen said, rubbing his eyes. “It looks like I’ve been gone almost a year myself. Apparently, a lot has happened since I’ve been gone.”

“I guess we both had a surprise today,” she joked.

“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to steal your thunder,” he told her with a smile.

“It’s nice to see your employees are continuing your mission even though you’ve been away,” Jessica said, indicating the television.

“Sure is,” he said, eyebrows arched. “That Miranda is really applying herself.”

It seemed like he was implying something, but she didn’t get to ask what. The waitress came with two huge trays of food and began setting them on the table.

They ate quietly, Jessica feeling surprisingly okay with the fact that she had been gone for so long.

At last Cullen wiped his mouth and sat back.

“So, we need to make a plan,” he said. “At least, I need to make a plan. You need to sit tight and get back into the swing of things.”

“I feel fine,” she replied, realizing it was true. “I mean I have a lot to learn, I’m sure, but cars are still driving on roads, the Barry White diner still serves my favorite special. I’m sure it won’t take long to get situated. And two heads are better than one.”

“I forgot how good you are at rolling up your sleeves and getting shit done,” he said musingly. “You always were my best sounding board.”

“So what’s the plan?” she asked.

“Well,” he said, glancing over his shoulder, then leaning a little closer. “My brothers have been trying to capture all the fae creatures running wild around here. I’m thinking that I can summon something to get their attention. But it would have to be something really big to be sure to draw in all three of them.”

“Like what,” she asked.

He hesitated for a moment before replying.

“A shadow dragon,” he said at last.

“Can you do that?” she asked. She wasn’t entirely sure what that was, but it sounded impressive.

“Normally, no,” he said. “But I can picture just how I would do it. My powers are stronger now, with my queen around.”

She smiled.

“Once I have them close, I’ll capture them in their heart items,” he explained.

“The things you took from their rooms,” she realized.

“Exactly,” he told her. “That’s why I needed them.”

She nodded. Part of her wished that he didn’t have to trick his own brothers to keep her freedom.

He didn’t seem broken up about it though.

He must be telling the truth about how cruel they had been to him.

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