Killian (On the Line #1) - Brenda Rothert Page 0,42

mumbled through my fingers.

“I already kissed you this morning.” He moved my hand aside and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. “Have a good day, boss.”

“You too. You want coffee to go?”

He shook his head and let go of me, turning for the living room.

“When do I get to see you again?” he called over his shoulder.

“Probably later in the hallway.”


This was starting to feel like the beginning of a relationship, which made my stomach churn nervously. I wanted it, but I still worried about the implications for both of us.

“No one can know about this,” I said. “It’d be bad for both of us on so many levels.”

He walked back over to me, sliding his arms into his hoodie. “I get that.”

“Promise me you won’t brag to your teammates about bagging the team owner.”

“I didn’t bag you, Sid. And this is only between you and me. I won’t tell a soul.”

“Not even if you’re pissed at me?”

He gave me a playful grin. “Impossible.”

I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

“Not even then,” he promised.

“I want to see you again . . . you know, when you want to see me. I know you travel a lot and I’m sure you like sleeping in your own bed sometimes, too, so—”

He put a finger on my lips to silence me. “Be quiet. I want to see you tonight after the game. Do you want to see me?”

I nodded. He brushed his thumb across my lips and kissed me one more time. “Good, then I’ll see you later.”


I reached over to the nightstand to turn off the alarm. My fingers touched a vase of flowers and then a lamp. And finally, I found my cell phone. I turned off the alarm, wishing I could wrap my arms back around Sid and go back to sleep. Spending the night with her for the second time had been just as good as the first. Maybe even a little better. We were both more comfortable now, knowing we both wanted this and neither of us regretted a thing.

She moaned a little in her sleep and turned toward the spot where I’d been laying. I pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead. Damn. No time for morning sex today, unfortunately.

I dressed in the semi-darkness. The sun wouldn’t be all the way up for a while, but I had to catch the bus for our next road trip, which was to Columbus, Ohio.

Last night I’d brought an overnight bag with me so I could clean up and go catch the bus without going home. I crept into the en-suite bathroom, closing the door before I turned on the light. Hopefully I wouldn’t wake her up. I’d only slept about three hours between the late night, the early morning and an hour of hot sex. The sex had been even better the second night, which was a first for me. I’d been fired up from our win last night and we’d barely made it through the front door before I had my hands all over her.

After we had exhausted ourselves in her bed, I went into the kitchen and found the ingredients to make one of my mom’s famous omelets. As we shared it, I told her about my mom making me and my teammates ham and vegetable omelets after games when we were in high school. Strangely, telling that story hadn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.

I brushed my teeth, careful not to splash water all over the place. The marble counter was spotless. I’d commented about how clean her place was last night, and Sid had told me a housekeeper came daily to take care of everything from laundry to grocery shopping. She confided that she was a neat freak and I sure as hell wasn’t going to mess with that.

We were so different. I’d never cared too much about money, and what it could buy. Probably because Mom and I had never had that much. I’d never given it a second thought until now. Sid had things I couldn’t afford on my salary. She had a fancy apartment and expensive-looking clothes, and she hired people to take care of life’s mundane shit. I didn’t even have a washer and dryer; instead I used the laundry room shared by the guys who lived in team housing.

She probably liked expensive vacations. She struck me as the type of woman who didn’t really want for anything and she had earned all of Copyright 2016 - 2024