Killian (On the Line #1) - Brenda Rothert Page 0,3

him in his place when Keri beat me to it.

“That’s very kind but completely unnecessary,” she said. Keri was a consummate professional. She hadn’t defended herself strongly enough, but I’d cover that later, in private.

“Mr. Holloway, participating in community events and dealing with the fans and the media are part of the expectations I have for every member of this team. We’ll offer guidance and training, and we won’t throw you in all at once. You’ll have ample opportunity to warm up to the tasks. If that doesn’t sit well with you, then you are free to leave the team at any point.”

He shrugged. “I’ll think about it.”

“Let me get this straight. Are you saying you’d rather quit than play nice?” Keri’s tone was aggravated and a little bit angry.

“I said I’ll think about it.”

“Well, you’d better think fast because I’m taking you to your first charity event next week,” she said sweetly.

Liam glared at her. I got up from my chair.

“So glad we had this conversation Mr. Holloway. I’ll let you two work on this and Keri will keep me updated.” I flipped the page on my clipboard. “It was a pleasure to meet you face to face. You’re an outstanding player and an asset to this team.” Opening the door to the office I said, “Can you please send Killian Bosch up when you get back to practice?”

He smiled and stood. “Will do. He’s a sweetheart. You’re just gonna love Killian.”

It was all I could do to hold my tongue until he closed the door behind him. “What an ass,” I said to Keri in a low tone. “I don’t envy you having to deal with his antics.”

She laughed and stood up. “Nothing we can’t handle, Sid. You want some coffee?”

“I’ll have Nicole bring some in,” I said, taking out my cell phone to text my assistant.

“She’s watching practice from the stands,” Keri said. “Can’t say I blame her. Some of those guys are hot.”

“Don’t get distracted,” I said firmly. “Nicole’s been told fraternizing with the players is off limits. I wouldn’t lay down a directive like that to you, but be careful Keri. These guys are only looking for sex, and it would affect your ability to work with them if you ever got involved in that way.”

She waved a hand dismissively. “No, never. I’m a professional. You’re paying me very good money to be here and I’m focusing on my job. I have no interest in playboy hockey players anyway. Especially not if they’re all as arrogant as Liam.”

“Well, next up is our team captain, and I’m not expecting much humility from him.”


I took off my pads and stripped off my sweat-soaked T-shirt. Bennett was doing the same on the other side of the locker room bench. He met my eyes with a glare that said everything I was thinking.

Orion was a good coach, but he was no miracle worker. Today’s practice had been another reminder that our team had dead weight that needed to go. My line worked hard every time we were on the ice—at every practice and at every game. But I was sick of carrying the guys who couldn’t bother to keep up weight training or go the extra distance in practice. Those guys needed to get the fuck out.

“Pensacola tomorrow night,” Bennett muttered. I sighed deeply, but said nothing. They’d annihilated us last time we played them. After my line picked up a two-point lead, the second line managed to hold it steady, but then the third line blew it. After that we got crushed.

“Wanna lift before lunch?” Bennett asked.

“Yeah.” I pulled on a clean T-shirt as Liam approached and nodded at me.

“Your turn with the new boss lady,” he said.

“What’d she want with you?”

He shrugged. “Just her and her PR lady tellin’ me to stop being such an asshole.”

I laughed and he cracked a smile.

“So that’s it, then? They just want to tell us to be good boys? Guess I’ll feed ’em the same line of shit I fed my mom in high school.”

Liam shook his head slightly. “These two won’t remind you of your mom, man. They’re both fuckin’ hot.”

I knitted my brows together with surprise. “Seriously?”

“Go see for yourself. And, Killian, they don’t seem like the type who like to be kept waiting.”

“You mean like fuckable hot?” I asked.

“Hey, watch it.”

I turned at the sound of Orion’s voice. He was none too happy. “None of that shit. You’ll respect Sidney and her staff, or you’ll feel my foot Copyright 2016 - 2024