Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,68

“I hope your father is in a long, long meeting.”

“So do I.”

Chapter 16

Bekki sat across from her father. He’d listened to her proposal. All of it. He hadn’t interrupted her or given her that look, the one that said he’d already made up his mind and her words were useless. Killian gripped her hand under the table. She waited for her father to think through the plan.

Finally, he leaned back in his desk chair. “So, you do the live report at the exact time we are arresting the city players.”

“Right. I don’t know who’d be responsible for the Lieutenant Governor.” She looked at Killian and he shrugged.

“State police at this point as we don’t have any federal charges to levy. Yet. Where did you get this evidence you said you have proving your accusations?”

“Jewell.” She tossed her cousin’s name out there like a trump card because the woman was amazing.

“You called in Guardian?” Her father cocked his eyebrow.

“Well, no. I called Jewell and she did her thing.” She cocked her head. “But she works for them, so yeah, I kind of did. Why?”

“I’ve resisted calling your cousins for a myriad of situations. They are my last resort when all my options are gone, which is why I sent them the picture of this man.” He slid a photo across the desk.

“That’s him.” Killian picked up the picture. “The one who held her at gunpoint, hit me with his car, and shot at both Callum and me.”

“Guardian ID’d him in thirty minutes. He’s a contract hatchet. His name is Antoni Zamparelli. He’s wanted by Interpol for a host of crimes—kidnapping, murder, arson, an all-around purveyor of mayhem. He is also now suspected in three murders here in Hope City.”

Bekki swallowed hard. A killer. Dear God. “What? Who was killed?”

“We had a case the day of Ryker’s birthday party. Brock and Sean are working it. A fire, trying to cover up three execution-style murders. There was nothing connecting the people. Nothing until we matched a partial fingerprint this morning. Zamparelli’s on a matchbook found at the fire.”

“What’s the connection?” Killian asked.

“Land. Guess where they owned land.”

“The Harbor,” both Killian and she said at the same time.

“Correct. My assumption is they wouldn’t sell. Brock’s investigation will reveal the exact reason Zamparelli was used to eliminate them.”

“Does that mean you won’t allow me to break this story?”

“No, as a matter of fact, the idea of simultaneous takedowns is a damn good one. It will preclude anyone taking off or trying to hide evidence.” Her father leaned forward. “Okay, you will work from here. Organize what you need to break this story wide open, but only those at the station that you trust. No one else. You can brag to everyone after this is done. Work only and tell them as little as you can.”

She breathed a huge sigh of relief. “I can do that. I’ll need some work clothes.” She glanced down at her jeans.

Killian cleared his throat. “I can drive over and pick some up and bring them here.”

“Perfect. Dad, I’m going to need to contact Landon and probably Walt. I want to make this the biggest story of Channel Two’s history.”

“Looking to launch to a major market?” her father asked.

Bekki shook her head. “That used to interest me, but I think this market has more than enough viewers for me.”

Killian squeezed her hand.

She turned to look at him. “And it isn’t because of what’s happening here between us. Hope City is growing, and it will soon be considered a major market. Having my foot in the door now, working on my investigations and breaking stories in this market, gaining contacts and sources, will only help me as this market converts. I’d be foolish to go try to be a small fish in a big market rather than the biggest fish in the smaller-but-growing market.”

Killian smiled. “Good to know.”

Her father stood up. “All right. I need to get moving on this. Bekki, you have my word that you will get this story. I need the evidence and the names.”

She reached in her bag and withdrew a folder of paper. “It goes to the Lieutenant Governor.”

Her father opened the file and started leafing through the sheets. “It would seem it does.” He closed the file and stared directly at Killian. “Son, I need you to watch your six. If these people were eliminated because they wouldn’t sell, you could be in their sights.”

“I have a build site full of people. They won’t be able Copyright 2016 - 2024