Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,54

for himself, didn’t take shit from her brothers, and even offered to help in the kitchen. She was so damn glad he wasn’t corrupt like she’d first thought. A small snort escaped her, and her mother gave her a quizzical look. Her father had joined Brock and Killian and they were talking. She leaned over to her mom and whispered, “He’s so much more than I’d hoped for.”

Her mother smiled and glanced over to where the men were talking. “I figured. I got a glass of water after you went to bed.” Her eyebrow raised and the stare conveyed everything it needed to transmit. Her mother had heard them.

Bekki’s eyes traveled to the floor above the kitchen and her mother nodded.

If she could have melted into the ground from mortification she would have. She grabbed the sink and whispered. “Oh, God. Mom.”

Hannah leaned closer. “All I’m going to say about what I heard is it is a good thing your father didn’t make the trip to get a glass of water for us. He’s much less progressive than I am.”

Bekki blinked as her mother turned and started to cook the eggs. Hover Mother… progressive?

“Bekki, are you all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

She jumped at her father’s voice. “Huh, what? No. I mean yeah, yes, of course, I’m fine.”

“I think last night’s events shook you up worse than you admitted.” Her father dropped a hand on her shoulder.

“I think you’re correct, dear.” Hannah lifted up and kissed her husband. “Go sit down, I’ll have your eggs ready in a flash.”

Bekki slid her eyes to Killian, who sent her an inquisitive look. She made sure no one was looking and mouthed, “She knows,” and pointed up.

Killian’s eyes followed, and after a moment he blinked and glanced from her to her mom, who was chatting as she cooked. His face flushed a brilliant red and he immediately dropped his gaze to his coffee cup. Bekki scrubbed her face and jumped like a crazy person when her mom asked her to get the orange juice out of the fridge. She leaned into the icebox and let the cool air caress her overheated cheeks. Busted by Hover Mother. Caitlyn was not going to believe this.

Chapter 13

Killian refused to let Bekki carry the duffle her mother had packed for her as they trudged over the rutted gravel at the build site. She was busy tossing the ball for Duke, who met them at the gate. Killian lifted his fingers and whistled sharply. Garret’s head shot up and he waved, letting Killian know Garret knew he was on-site. He continued to gimp forward. His thigh was killing him, but he had full movement. The bruise was going to be a bitch to deal with for a couple days.

Garret trotted across the space that had separated them. “What happened to you?” Garret grabbed the duffle out of his hand and slung it over his own shoulder.

“Stupid accident, but I’m going to stay off this peg for a while.”

“I take it by the duffle you’re moving in. A bit early, isn’t it?” Garret jogged up the steps to the trailer and opened the door, dropping the duffle inside the door.

Killian did an awkward straight-leg lift with his injured leg up to get up the stairs. “I’ll be here on and off, like usual. Oh, hey man, Bekki’s condo is being tented for termites and she needs a place to work. Do we still have those two old desks at the warehouse?”

“I haven’t been there in a hot minute, but we should.”

“Could you run over today and see? If not, I’ll buy one.” He made his way to the coffee pot and waited for his project manager to comment on the story they’d come up with.

“Getting serious?” Garret chuckled.

Killian turned around after he filled his cup. “We’re seeing where things go.”

“You deserve this, Killian. Your life has been nothing but the next build for a long time now.” Garret glanced out the window to where Bekki was on her knees hugging Duke. “She’s a nice lady.”

“Thanks, I think she is. So, about that desk?” Killian lifted an eyebrow.

“All right. I get it. No more hen talk.” Garret turned to leave.

Killian stopped him. “Spread the word to all the crew to keep an eye open for people who don’t belong lingering in the parking lot or along the fence line.”

Garret stopped and twisted to look at Killian. “Why? What’s up?”

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