Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,49

she glossed over or forgot a piece of information. “So, you see, there isn’t any proven criminal activity.”

“Hold on a second.” Killian adjusted in the chair again and leaned forward. “Tonight, when I was talking to Taggart, waiting for you to come in, he told me a rumor that has been running through the Longshore area. Seems there is talk of the Mob buying land on the waterfront. He said things were getting rough.”

“There was a guy that called Killian the other night and offered him triple what his waterfront land is worth.” Her mind was spinning.

Her father shook his head. “I’ll reach out to federal authorities to see if there is any truth to what the rumor mill is touting. And yes, I agree, other than the events tonight, there have been no laws broken.”

Bekki gave Killian an ‘I told you so’ look. “So, you see, I’m not going to stop looking into the story.”

Her father’s eyes shot in her direction and the dead-serious look he gave her made her swallow hard. She still acted like a little girl when her father gave her that look. “I disagree. You were targeted for a reason. The fact that he used details of the story you were working on to lure you to a location he felt he could control leads me to believe there is more than what we see. Who knew you were working this angle for your story?” Her father’s words dropped like blown glass on a marble floor and shattered her plans for getting to the bottom of this story.

“Walter and Landon. I trust both implicitly. Ms. Snowden knew, she was the one who gave me the answers about the ads. I also asked a bunch of questions at City Hall, so it could have literally been anyone.”

“Perhaps I can offer a suggestion. Bekki has files of paperwork she’s compiled which could give her insight as to who is purchasing the land. If she works from my trailer at the construction site, she’d be safe. We have manned entrances, video surveillance of the actual build site, and believe me, nobody is going to screw with fifty construction workers. With this sore leg, I’ll be stuck close to the office now that I’m not in any condition to be out on the site. I promise not to let anything happen to her.”

Bekki bit back a retort about being able to take care of herself only because she understood Killian was trying to pacify her father. As a matter of fact, he was the only man she’d ever dated that talked to her father as an equal instead of a cowering ball of nerves who crumbled with one of her father’s patented looks.

“This man was armed, son.” Her father leaned forward. “This isn’t a slight against you, but I think it’s better if the family figures out a way to keep her safe. We do have more experience and firepower.”

Killian leaned forward. “I disagree with that, sir. I didn’t take my weapon with me to the bar because I had no way of knowing that Bekki would be in danger of anything other than an unwanted or lewd proposition, which I was prepared to handle. I have an advanced concealed carry license, and I go to the shooting range at least once a month to maintain my proficiency. I stay on my build sites with my dog and no one else. There have been several attempted break-ins at my building sites over the years and I was stabbed once. That’s why we now have locking or manned gates and video surveillance. My application for an advanced concealed carry permit was approved five years ago. What happened at the bar tonight will never happen again. I can and will protect her.” Bekki bounced her attention to Killian and then back at her father. Holy hell. No one had ever stood up to her father like this. Her respect for Killian grew by leaps and bounds.

“What about when she’s doing stories for the station?” Hannah interjected.

“Mom, I’m still on personal time from the station, and if need be, and Dad tells me that it is necessary, I’ll take vacation or request a leave of absence.” Her attention returned to her father. “I could work in the trailer with Killian. I won’t expose myself unless I let Killian or one of you know.”

Hannah shook her head. “Except when you go back to your condo at night.”

Killian turned his attention to her mother. Copyright 2016 - 2024