Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,41

lowered. “Show me how adventurous an investigative reporter can be.”

“You did not just dare me.”

He peeked back at her. “I double-dog dare you.”

Bekki sighed heavily. “Damn it. I can’t resist a dare.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and jumped onto his back. He stood and hefted her up until she wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed. “Piggyback. How romantic.”

He jostled her again and she squealed and squeezed tighter. “That’s me, Mr. Romance.”

He leaned down and grabbed the picnic basket before he hitched his arms under her legs. It was awkward, carrying the basket and her, but it was worth it when she sighed contentedly. “The moon and stars are beautiful tonight. It’s so bright.” She laughed a bit and added, “In case I forget to tell you later, I’m having a wonderful time tonight.”

He stopped and turned his head so he could see her. “Me too.” They shared a sloppy sideways kiss until Duke nudged him. He laughed as he pulled away. “Okay, boy. To the beach.” The dog danced around them as he made his way down to the water.

He carefully lowered to let her slide off his back. “There is a tablecloth in the basket. We can use it to sit on and eat out of the basket to keep the sand and pebbles at bay.” Bekki opened the lined wicker basket as soon as he set it down. “Here, you spread that.” She handed him a large white tablecloth and he smiled to himself. His princess was a bossy little thing. He flicked it open and let it float down. She lifted a bottle of wine and an opener from the basket. “We’ll have to drink from the bottle. I was going to use coffee cups from your office if you could have some tonight.”

He extended his hand and took the bottle and opener, switched them to the other hand, and extended his hand again. She gave him a confused look. “I’ll hold your hand so you can brush the sand off your feet.”

“Oh, gallant, too. You do realize you’ve already swept me off my feet, right? Piggyback style.” She held his hand and brushed off one foot, placing it on the tablecloth, and then the other. She folded down onto the fabric and he planted his ass on the sand beside her. “You don’t want to sit with me?” She seemed confused.

He worked on uncorking the wine. “When Duke gets done sniffing, he’s going to want to sit next to one of us. If we are both on the tablecloth he’s going to want to be there, too. I’m saving your linen and doing my best to behave. If I get that close to you, I’m going to want to be a lot closer.”

“Oh.” He couldn’t see it in the moonlight, but he’d bet she was blushing. “Well, we have a charcuterie selection. Meats, cheeses, olives, crackers, and spreads. It’s still cold thanks to the thermal lining in the basket.” She lifted the containers and opened them, setting them on the tablecloth before she turned over the basket and used the bottom as a tabletop. She moved it so the basket was between them. “There, crowded, but it will work.”

“Shall we toast the evening?” he said as he raised the bottle. Her laughter echoed off the water.

“Absolutely!” She took the bottle from him and raised it. “To Mr. Romance, who has given me the absolute best evening I’ve ever had. May his chivalry never end.” She lifted the bottle to her lips and took a sip before she handed it back to him.

He lifted the bottle. “To the woman who knocked my preconceived notions out of my head and has also given me the single best evening I’ve ever enjoyed. To Princess Bekki, may she reign forever.” He lifted the bottle and watched her as he took a sip. The shy smile was one he expected. Bekki King was an oxymoron. Her vibrant personality and tenacious pursuit and passion for the truth was an outside veneer. The woman inside wasn’t as confident as the outside would lead you to believe.

She pushed her hair behind her ears and nibbled on a cracker that held a slice of cheese. He made a sandwich of cheese and meat with the crackers and popped the whole thing into his mouth. Damn, it was good, or he was hungry. Probably both.

“That guy who wanted to buy the waterfront property. Did he say why?” Bekki stared at the Copyright 2016 - 2024