Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,13

buddy, but thanks for the re-do.” She pulled her shirt down and adjusted her hat that had been knocked askew after wiping her face off and drying her hands on her jeans.

Killian smiled and nodded to the construction trailer. “We can talk in here.” He’d learned that his dog was a damn good judge of character, and the way Bekki had taken the tongue bath without objection lifted her a couple rungs on his estimation ladder.

He opened the door and waited for her to enter before Duke trotted in and dropped onto the floor with a groan. Bekki took a seat before she popped out of it again and walked to the wall where the map of Champion Land Management holdings was detailed. “Do you and your brothers own all this land?”

Killian took a seat and leaned back which caused the old chair to groan. “We do. When we first formed, we did a lot of research on where we believed the business of the future would be focused. As you can see, we bought land here on the Harbor and to the north and west of the city. The development in that area is slower and more residential. We have several pending projects, one for an entry-level neighborhood by a new school that the Angel Falls community has started raising funds to build, and another, more upscale build by the golf course that the Golden Oaks Country Club has been planning for the last three years.”

“Where did you get the money for all this land? There has to be millions tied up in the purchases.”

And this was the woman he was used to seeing on television. The hard-nosed reporter who rooted out crime and corruption. She wanted to know something about his business, and he’d bet all his father’s money it wasn’t for background information for some random economic development series. “I assure you we have sufficient capital.”

She snapped her head in his direction and her eyes went wide. “Oh, dang, that sounded pretty rude, didn’t it? I’m sorry. It’s just that I bought my condo, and it was expensive as heck. I couldn’t imagine owning all this land, and you bought it all on speculation?”

Killian shook his head. “No, it wasn’t speculation. We could see where the trends were going, and we knew where the most desirable locations in those areas were. It took us several years to acquire the land, but each parcel was purchased with the intent of development.” He cocked his head. “Why are you dressed like that?”

She jerked back as if struck. “Like what?”

He leaned forward. “No offense, Ms. King, but I’m not buying the idea that you want background information for a story on economic development. You don’t do those types of reports. You’re the crime stopper, corruption, and getting-the-consumer-what-they-deserve type of reporter. If you are here, wearing what you undoubtedly had to pull out of the bottom of your closet or maybe the Goodwill bag, you’re after something else.” He clasped his hands together and stared at her before he asked, “Do you suspect my company of doing something fraudulent? Is there some concern as to our developments? I don’t use subcontractors; the electricians, steelworkers, and carpenters work directly for me. What are you after?”

The woman crossed her arms over her chest and stared back at him. “There’s corruption at City Hall. You are one of three very large companies that win over eighty percent of the contracts in and around Hope City.”

White-hot, searing anger lanced through him. He’d worked his entire adult life building a company that was founded on integrity and quality work, he’d be damned if some… princess… would waltz in and demean his reputation. He growled the question, “And you think that I’m bribing people to get my developments approved?”

She dropped her arms and paced back and forth, careful not to step on Duke’s tail as she walked. “Honestly? I don’t know, and damn it, I hope not, but I can’t find out until I know the process from concept to completion. I didn’t lie to you. I do want to know the process, and yeah, you could be dirty, but I don’t want you to be. Prove me wrong. Please.”

A shocked puff of laughter pushed out of him. “You come here and accuse me of being corrupt and then tell me to prove you wrong? Ms. King, your audacity is only outpaced by your sense of entitlement.” He stood and motioned to the door. “Please, don’t let Copyright 2016 - 2024