Killian (Hope City #8) - Kris Michaels Page 0,10

designs and little rhinestones on the ring finger. “Well, Dawn, Kallie, and Amber don’t go to the nail salons for mani-pedis, or wear makeup, pencil skirts, and high heels.” Caitlyn glanced from her fingers to Killian. “I don’t think he likes our type.”

“Our type? What type is that?”

“I don’t know. Different than them, though. I mean, they are my friends and I love them, but you’ve got to admit, they move in different circles and like different things than we do.”

“Two of them are cops. Could you imagine running after criminals in stilettos?” She lifted her sandal with her toe and let the four-inch heel swing.

Caitlyn snorted. “They do it on television all the time. Oh, look, there goes your mom. Ryker and Brie should be here soon. Are you going to talk to him?” She nodded over at Killian, who’d made his way to the beer cooler and was talking to Sean and Brock.

She nodded and sighed, “I really hope he isn’t dirty.”

Caitlyn purred. “Really? I know what you like, remember? You secretly want him to be a little bit dirty, don’t you?”

“You did not just say that!” Bekki dropped her head back and laughed, drawing everyone’s attention, but who cared?

Caitlyn shushed her. “Stop, you’re making a spectacle of yourself.”

Bekki shook her head, still laughing. She wiped at tears that had formed in the corners of her eyes. When she could speak, she nodded and held up her fingers, pinching them together. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”

Caitlyn lifted an eyebrow, and she opened her fingers a bit wider. “That’s more like it.” Caitlyn lifted her glass of wine. “To a little bit dirty, a whole lot of muscles, and a personality that draws you in and keeps you there.”

Bekki lifted her glass and clinked the rim with Caitlyn’s. “May we both find the men of our dreams.” She took a drink and shifted her eyes toward Killian Ganas. The man would check off a lot of her boxes, but unfortunately, if things panned out the way she expected, she’d be using him to get a story… one that could ruin him.

Bekki laughed at Ryker as he chased Brianna through the yard. Brianna knew Ryker hated surprise parties, and when he found out she was responsible, he growled and chased her. Brie’s laughter mixed with everyone else’s when Ryker caught her. Her laughter stalled as they looked at each other and Ryker kissed her. They were so in love; it was as if a physical connection bound them together.

Bekki pulled her eyes from the lovebirds and took in the couples that stood together around the yard. In that moment, surrounded by family and friends, loneliness permeated every cell of her body. She’d forsaken all relationships as she charged after the next story, the next promotion, or the next bright, shiny object. The women here were professionals and yet they’d managed to have a life, too. She sighed because she had no idea how they balanced their careers and a relationship.

Her eyes drifted to Killian. He was looking at his phone and frowning. Damn, she couldn’t let him leave without talking to him. She moved across the grass barefoot and carefully picked her way through the crowded picnic table area. When she was beside him, he looked up and blinked, surprised at her presence. “Hi.” She smiled up at him. Way up. She was tall for a woman at five foot nine, but Killian towered over her in her bare feet.

He gave her a polite smile but didn’t speak.

“Hey, I know this is really random, but I have a story I’m working on—the economic impact of new construction at the Inner Harbor—and I was wondering if you’d have time to walk me through the process of… wow, I guess of everything. I’d like to do a series over the course of several weeks or even months showing a development from concept to completion.”

Killian dropped his phone into his pocket and crossed his arms. He cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at her. “Conception planning for this project started over three years ago. Completion can take years after the city approves the plans. We don’t anticipate finishing Phase One and Two of the Pinnacle build for three years, and that is without any unforeseen delays.”

Bekki rolled her eyes and groaned. “See, that is what I mean. I don’t have a clue about the process. Would you mind helping me? Education and a bit of show and tell? I could work around Copyright 2016 - 2024