Killer Love - Ella Goode Page 0,7

good question. We don’t have any idea. Forensics is working on it now although I don’t think they’re pushing themselves. There are other cases to spend their time on. Do we really care about who offed the pedo? It was probably one of the dads.”

I don’t say anything, just pop a piece of chewing gum into my mouth. Lee takes one for himself. “I know you don’t believe in treating criminals differently. That all bodies deserve the same respect, but some of these assholes...” Lee trails off.

“Deserve it?”

“Yeah, precisely. Some of them deserve it.”

Chapter Six


“Tell me you’re going to eat more than those cookies for dinner,” I ask Judge Barns as she opens the lid to the container of cookies I brought in for her. She smells them before closing the lid.

“I have a date so I’ll save these for after.”

“A date. You have a date and you’re just now mentioning this?” We had lunch together earlier. I understand that we were in court all day but she could have mentioned this date during our lunch.

“I thought you were leaving early?” she reminds me. I’ve been excited all day to see Lucas. I know he was only gone one night but I hate when he is away. The only good thing that ever comes out of it is that I get to catch up with my sister. Before Lucas it was always Gina and me. I lived with her before he came along and swept me right off my feet. Lucas is a man that always knows what he wants. Our dating was short and our wedding rather fast. Not that I am complaining. I enjoyed every second of him sweeping me off my feet. He still does it. Our honeymoon stage does not look to be coming to an end anytime soon. “Isn't your doc waiting for you?”

“Expect a full interrogation in the morning.” I grab my bag from off the chair in front of her desk. “At least tell me who it is.”

“You don’t know him.” Mary’s phone buzzes across her desk. She picks it up. Her eyes go wide as her mouth falls open.

“What?” I drop my bag back down.

“They found Richard Washington’s wife’s body.”

“Oh my God,” I whisper in shock.

“Of course, he’s nowhere to be found.” It takes me a minute to process what she’s saying.

“They can’t charge him with murder again.” He was already found not guilty.

“They could dig something else up.” Her brows furrow together and I know she’s thinking the same thing I’m thinking. “Maybe.” It's doubtful though. If they did maybe he’d be charged and they could put him behind bars for the rest of his life like he should've been to begin with.

“They have to find him first anyways.” He’s probably long gone. He has the money. It sickens me to think about him somewhere on some island. His escape plan for if they ever did find his wife’s remains.

“Why run? He already got off on the murder. You think that cocky bastard and Chad would think they could get away with anything else the DA threw at them.” That is a good point.

“If he didn't run?”

“Maybe someone killed him?” Mary offers. “Did you hear that the pedophile gym teacher was found dead? He didn't go quickly either. Someone made him suffer. Took their time from what I’ve heard.”

“He’s out of jail already?” I know who she is talking about. It has been over a year since he was sentenced. The sick bastard only got hit with a few years. A small slap on the wrist compared to the pain and suffering he put those poor kids through.

“He got out early for good behavior.” Mary drops her phone back down onto the desk. “Came out to death.” She quirks a half smile, not feeling one lick bad for the man. I don’t either. “Kinda makes my job easier when the sickos take each other out.”

“But that’s not how it’s supposed to work,” I mutter though I think I agree with her. I feel no guilt or sympathy for the man.

“It’s not my problem until it hits my courtroom. Even then I don’t always have a say. Someone killed a pedophile. Get a jury to convict them. If you can.” That was also true. Because you broke a law doesn’t always mean you have to pay the price. I knew that. I’ve seen it many times, but it always seems to go the wrong way. Maybe the system isn't working like it Copyright 2016 - 2024