Killer Love - Ella Goode Page 0,3

make coffee. He drank one and a half cups and saved the other half for an afternoon break. He got his mail during his afternoon break and would go through it for fifteen minutes. There were some other details about how he always used the same fork and knife. He was creepy. Very creepy. I can’t believe the jury let him off.”

“Sounds very precise.” Like me. I like my socks folded a certain way, a precise amount of starch in my shirt, and my tools to be in exactly the right order, spaced only a half inch apart. How much does that irritate Angel?

She must read my mind because she reaches out to squeeze my forearm. “It’s cute when you do it because you’re not a murderous serial killer like this dude is.”

I take her fingers and lace them with mine. “Serial killer?” If she only knew...which she doesn’t because if she did, my very law-abiding wife would be horrified and never want me to touch her again.

“Yeah. He killed his first wife but the judge couldn’t let that evidence in. Said it was too harmful and didn’t have enough value. I think the jury would’ve voted to convict if they’d known that this was the second wife he’d offed. And since he’s done away with two of his wives, that makes him a serial killer, don’t you think?”

“Yes. I agree.” I put her fingers to my mouth and place a gentle kiss against them before having to move aside for the newly arrived food.

“If only the body had been found. You would have nailed that guy’s ass.”


She lapses into a frustrated silence and stares at her plate. Usually, I wouldn’t take any action so soon after yesterday’s work but I foresee a business trip in my future. Angel won’t be able to sleep well until it’s resolved. The injustice will eat at her. This is why I do what I do. Someone has to keep the balance. A crime committed needs to be punished or people suffer, and in this case, my wife suffers and that’s not acceptable.

I can’t make her happy every moment of the day. I know that’s not possible, but I do see it as my duty to remove as many obstacles in her path as I can. This is one bump that can be taken care of easily.

“Let’s not talk about it anymore,” she announces, picking up her fork. “How was your day?”

“Not worth talking about while we eat.” She’s not squeamish but she doesn’t need the gory details either.

Angel wrinkles her nose adorably. “That bad, huh? I’m sorry I brought up the case.”

“Don’t be. I always want to hear your stories. You have a deposition tomorrow?”

“Yes, but it’s just a boring motor vehicle accident. It’s with that Smith lawyer and she’s pretty efficient. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours there and then a few more transcribing it.”

The rest of her week is busy as well.

“I’m going to have to go out of town for a few days. No more than forty-eight hours, I think. There’s a case down in Burdock County that sheriff wants me to look into.”

Angel’s pretty round face falls. Her lower lip juts out in a way that makes me want to bend forward and bite it. I know how she tastes--sweet and tart.

“Really? An overnight trip? That sucks for you.”

“You should have your sister over.” I don’t like the idea of her staying alone.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. She’s learning to knit, did you know that? Maybe she can teach me and I can make you a hat for winter.”

“Maybe she can teach both of us and I can make you a hat for winter.”

Angel bursts out laughing. “I can’t see it,” she cries.

I wiggle my fingers. “I’m very good with my hands. You’ve said it yourself--that I have sinfully talented fingers.”

Her laughter is replaced with a blush. “I don’t think the skills you use with your knife are the same that you use with knitting.”

“We’ll have to test it out. I’ll finger you tonight until you come and then we’ll both get knitting lessons.”

Her eyes dart around and she mutters, “Lucas, there are other people here in the restaurant.”

“I know. It’s a damn shame. Eat up, darling. I’m hungry for something else and since you are opposed to me publicly fucking you, we’ll have to wait until we get home for me to feed that particular appetite.”

Her cheeks turn even rosier and, more importantly, away from Copyright 2016 - 2024