Killer Love - Ella Goode Page 0,28

hands in that mess.

Lee and Sanchez care, I type.

That’s their job. Not mine. Anyway, can I call you?

I dial her immediately. “What is it? Dering?”

“No. No,” she reassures me. “My sister wants me to stay over tonight. I know it’s out of the blue, but she said she’s feeling down and wants some company.”

“If she needs you, you should go but I’ll miss you. I don’t like sleeping alone.”

“I’ll miss you too. I promise to make it up to you tomorrow. Don’t stay up too late, though, okay? I’ll worry about you.”

“I’ll be in bed with my hand on my dick, waiting for your return.”

She laughs. “Okay. I like that thought. It’ll be a nice image tonight.”

“Call me or text me. Anytime.”

“I will. Love you Lucas.”

“I love you, too.” I toss the phone into my pocket. The timing is perfect. Almost too perfect if Angel knew the things I did. But I can’t dwell on it. Tonight will be the night that Chad Dering kills himself...with a little assist from me.

Chapter Twenty


“I’m thinking about quitting my job.” Gina looks up at me from the kitchen island where she is sitting. Knitting supplies are taking up most of the space, giving me little room to make the triple chocolate cake she requested.

I knew when she called and told me that she was craving it that she must have had a horrible date the night before. My sister has the worst luck with men. She always jokes and says that I used all of it up when I’d met Lucas. Not leaving any behind for her.

I jumped at the chance to come over to spend time with her tonight. Not that I wouldn't have come whenever she asked, but I pushed to stay the night this time.

My husband is up to something. I can feel it. I have no clue what it is, but I can’t ignore this feeling. I don’t know for sure but I also don’t want him lying to me. Ignorance is often bliss.

When it comes to Lucas, I don’t mind being a bit ignorant because whatever it is that’s going on, I trust in what he’s doing. If he wanted to tell me then he would. If he’s not telling me it’s for good reason and what he thinks is for the best.

“I thought you loved your job?” She puts her knitting needles down, taking a sip from the hot chocolate I made her.

“For so long, I believed that the law always made things right. That it gave justice to the victims that had been wronged. That following it is crucial to having a good society. But lately, I’m just not so sure that I agree with that anymore.”

Court sucked today. I watched as a woman had to plead for a restraining order on her abusive boyfriend. I mean he’d threatened to kill her, yet I watched the judge waver on whether or not she should give it to her.

My blood started to boil watching everything unfold. Finally they gave it to her. Still, what is the woman going to do when her crazy boyfriend shows up at her home again? Throw the paper at him? It is all a bunch of bullshit and I’m not sure I’m cut out for it anymore.

I know there is nothing that I could do about it. It was my job to sit there and account for every word that was said. My opinions and thoughts don’t matter. It has become very wearing on me. I don’t leave my job at the door. It comes home with me.

“I’m going to tell you something Dad once told me.” I put the chocolate-covered spatula down. I’m going to need more frosting. “Just because something is a law or the norm for other people it doesn't mean you have to abide by those rules. Sure you could get in trouble if you broke some of them. But it doesn't mean you have to believe in them. There is nothing wrong with that. You didn't make those rules. Someone else did. You set your own moral compass, Angel. No one else.”

I walk over to the pantry, grabbing another thing of frosting and thinking over her words. I’ve never thought about it like that before.

“So I’m not terrible for being happy when someone dies that I believe was a horrible person?”

“No, I have a few exes that I wouldn't mind if they kicked the bucket,” she jokes, going back to knitting.

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