Killer Love - Ella Goode Page 0,22

or move around I can still feel my husband from the night before. I’d been worried at first that Lucas hadn’t enjoyed showing me his rougher side but the past few days have put those worries to bed.

I fish out my phone and send Lucas a text that I’m all done. He’s so excited to see me that he can’t even wait until we both get home. He sends back a text instantly letting me know he’s on his way.

I take the side door out of the courthouse wanting to grab my coat that I left inside my car. It was warm today but the weather changed quickly. There is a chill in the air already and with the wind picking up, I’m guessing that it could be freezing by tomorrow morning. I pause when a funny feeling slips up my spine. My skin prickles, causing the hair on my arms to stand up. I glance around the full parking lot. Almost every parking spot is taken but no people linger about. Still, I feel as though someone is watching me. I shake off the feeling, making my way over to my car and pocketing my phone as I find my key to unlock the door.

Opening the back door, I grab my coat from where I’d tossed it along the seat.

“Angel.” I let out a small scream as I jump back, turning around to see Chad standing right there. He’s so close that I bump into him. He grabs my shoulders, making sure that I don’t fall. My body stiffens from the contact with his hands. He tries to pull me into him but I back up, almost falling back into my car. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He gives me that smile that makes my skin crawl. I still don’t get how he’s a ladies’ man.

“You shouldn’t sneak up on women like that.” I scold him the best I can, watching him like a hawk. Even though we are in an open parking lot, there's no one around and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit nervous on the inside. I keep my body language relaxed but I’m anything but. I know it was him that I felt watching me. Him approaching me is no coincidence, no matter what he says. He planned this.

“I didn't sneak. There a reason you’re so jumpy?” he asks. “Are things okay at home?”

My mouth falls open. I’m not one to curse but this asshole is getting on my last nerve. The fact that he would even insinuate that has me wanting to smack his face.

“Are you implying that-”

“I’m not implying anything, Angel.” I hate the way he says my name. He always makes it sound like he’s calling me a term of endearment and not actually my real name. “You’re just jumpy, so it worried me is all.”

“You’re worried about me?” I can’t keep the sarcasm out of my tone. He should be worried about all the people he’s gotten off over the years. The criminals who are likely out in the world doing bad things when they should be in prison. I’m not even sure prison would be enough for some of the things Chad’s clients have done.

I know this is how the law works but sometimes it seems really freaking unfair. He’s wasted enough of my time with his stupid games. I move to get past him but he doesn’t budge. He’s not touching me but he is blocking my path. I try again but he shifts his body to block me in.

“You can tell me anything, Angel.” That cocky smile appears on his lips and worry settles in my stomach.

“I want you to move.” I get my voice under control, making sure it sounds firm. I try to keep the fear out of it. For some reason I think he’ll enjoy that he’s frightened me. That he holds some kind of power over me and I don’t want to give that to him.

“I know your husband can fly off the handle if provoked.” He puts his hand down on top of my car, fully caging me in now. “He likes to live up to his name Dr. Death.”

I’m guessing Lucas paid Chad a visit after I told him that he was making me feel uncomfortable. I should be shocked but I am finding that my husband can be provoked. I’d been doing my own provoking and I’m enjoying it.

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