Killer Love - Ella Goode Page 0,20

place but I pretend I don’t notice. I set the bag down on his desk. Lucas comes up behind me, moving my hair off my shoulder and placing a kiss on my neck.

“Anything,” he agrees. I suck in a breath when he nips at my neck then places another kiss there before stepping away from me. I lick my lips, trying not to show my disappointment. This isn’t why I came here. Is it?

“I brought you dinner,” I say as if he doesn't know. I texted him that and he can see the bag.

“I see that, Angel.”

He grabs my hand, pulling me around his desk. He sits down, and I think he’s going to pull me into his lap, but he shifts, putting me between his legs. My ass rests on the edge of his desk.

“I think you came here for something.” His hand drifts up my skirt.

“Here?” I wiggle, already getting wet from the brush of his fingers on my thigh.

“Lift the dress.” His tone changes, making my nipples go hard. I reach down, pulling my dress up to reveal my panties. His fingers hook into them as he drags them down my legs. I step out of them before he tucks them away into his pocket.

“Does this hurt?” He leans in, kissing a small bruise on my hip. I’d seen it this morning when I was getting dressed. I know the bruise is from one of his fingers digging into me.

“No.” I shake my head. “I like it.” He smiles against it, pressing another kiss there.

“You like a lot of things you never told me about.” His mouth moves lower. I push back onto his desk, spreading my thighs more.

“I didn't know,” I admit.

“You going to be quiet for me?” His warm breath fans over my center as his fingers dig into my thighs. I drop my head back, needing his tongue on me now. “Answer me,” he demands. That tone makes me let out a small whimper.

“Yes,” I breathe out. “Please, Lucas,” I beg. My whole body is on fire. I need him. I need his mouth on me. I know the pleasure that’s in store for me.

“No need to beg. I’ll always give you what you need, Angel.” He does. Lucas gives me things I didn't even know I needed. Today it’s two mind-blowing orgasms before he walks me to my car, telling me to be ready for him when he gets home.

Chapter Fifteen


Mr. Washington’s body is delivered overnight. I have Flora pull him out of the freezer.

“I think the guy likes knives,” Flora says as she examines the deceased’s torso.

“What makes you think that?”

“I was looking at the files last night and there are a couple of similarities--not a lot. I wouldn’t have made the connection that Lee and SanchezSanchez did but now that I’m sort of tracing things backward, I see things. On victims 10, 17, and 25, he used a blade. I’m not sure what kind but it was sharp and he was skilled.”

I clean the undersides of Mr. Washington’s fingernails. There won’t be anything incriminating as he never touched me. There isn’t anything on his body that could be traced back to me. I use ordinary tools that are disposed of immediately. The manner of death depends solely upon the person’s crime. In Mr. Washington’s case, no knives were used.

“Anything else you noticed?”

“One other thing.”

A satisfied note in her voice has me raising my head. Those victims were so long ago and early in my chosen path. I could’ve made mistakes. “Yes?”

“Nearly a dozen of the victims have been defended by Chad Dering.” She raises both her eyebrows and points the tip of the cotton swab at me. “Don’t you think that’s suspicious?”

I think it’s rather perfect, actually. I try to keep a smile off of my face. “Why would Dering have a reason to kill his own clients?”

The intern shrugs before bending her head again. “I don’t know. Motive isn’t really my thing. I never studied that in school. It was mostly bones, tendons, and nerves, you know?”

“That is what doctors ordinarily focus on.”

“Right. Anyway, I thought I’d go over the rest of the files tonight if that’s all right with you. I’ll write up a report tomorrow or the next day.”

“That’s fine. You can go study the files now, if you like. I can finish up here.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. The cause of death is fairly clear by the blue around his lips. The alveoli has collapsed and there is Copyright 2016 - 2024