Kidnapped by a SEAL - Makenna Jameison Page 0,9

in captivity for a month.

He clenched his jaw, listening as Commander Brinks continued for a minute with additional information, and then the screen went black as the secure call was disconnected.

Their CO stepped in front of the empty screen. “Ms. Swenson is a top priority for State. We believe she walked into the compound unassisted, so she isn’t believed to be seriously injured. She may be weak though, and we have no idea if she’ll be able to move out of there on her own when you arrive.”

“Understood, sir,” Hunter grunted.

“It’s also unknown what’s happened to her since she was moved there. A small terror cell headed by Mohammad Izallah is believed to be at this compound. He’s emerged as the new leader of this group, and it’s possible they were saving her for him.”

“Fucking hell,” Ryker spat out. “Saving her for what? To become his goddamn sex slave or something?”

Their CO pressed his lips together, not replying, and Ryker’s blood boiled. “Fuck,” one of the other guys muttered.

“They certainly wouldn’t call it that,” the CO said. “He’d take her as one of his wives—willingly or not. She’s been there two days, so it’s possible no harm has come to her yet. We have no way of knowing.”

“They’re a bunch of fucked up assholes,” Jacob interjected.

Their CO cleared his throat, and all eyes swept back to him. “You’ll receive additional instructions once you’re in flight. Sat imagery is being reviewed further right now. We need to determine where in the compound Ms. Swenson is being held. Infrared sensors can detect body heat, of course. We believe there’s other women and children there as well, so this is a delicate operation. We’re not sure which building she’s in, and we need to avoid injuring the others.”

“Are we going in by helo or convoy?” Hunter asked, crossing his arms.

“It’s rough terrain near the mountains. But since you’ll be arriving under the cover of night, it will probably be by helo dependent on the weather. You’ll land on the opposite side and then move in.”

The men were dismissed a few minutes later and stood, readying to leave. “What do you think?” Jacob asked as he fell in step beside Ryker.

“I hope like hell the woman hasn’t been harmed. It’s possible those assholes roughed her up over the past month. Thirty days is a hell of a long time to be in captivity. Maybe the fact they were saving her for their leader means she’s in good condition. Doesn’t matter. We’ll get her this time,” Ryker said assuredly. “No matter what.”

“Jessica’s worried,” Jacob said. “She sure the hell wasn’t expecting her brunch to end with all of us abruptly up and leaving.”

“Don’t suppose so. She better get used to it though,” Ryker quipped.

“Don’t be a jackass. Last time we were sent out on an op, I barely knew her. Actually—you told her we were leaving if I recall. I was pissed as hell that you got to see her before we left and I didn’t.”

Ryker smirked, thinking of Jessica’s roommate and the summer they’d spent together. “And hell if Michelle didn’t give me a goodbye to remember,” he said with a chuckle. “But all good things come to an end, and I don’t need a woman tying me down. Shit, if that’s your thing man, then good for you. The only woman I’m concerned about right now is the one we’re about to rescue.”

Jacob shook his head, his lips quirking. “Jessica is damn good for me. You’ll see, jackass. Someday a woman will have you by the balls, and then life as you know it will be over, man.”

“Like fucking hell she will. I’m single for life, buddy.”

Hunter chortled behind them as he caught up. “Famous last words, bro. Famous last words.”

Chapter 5

Jessica coughed and moaned in pain, clutching her ribs. She’d have a bruise there after getting hit with the butt of the rifle or whatever weapon that asshole had been carrying. She hadn’t been able to tell in the dark.

They’d hit her in the head with something too, she realized, feeling the small lump on her forehead. Something sticky coated her fingers.


She blinked, realizing they’d stashed her in a room that was completely dark. Was she still in that small little storage building? Or had they hauled her off somewhere else after she’d been knocked unconscious?

What had happened to the teenager?

“Hello,” she croaked, knowing without waiting for an answer that nobody was here.

Her mind whirled, and she wondered how long she’d been Copyright 2016 - 2024