Kidnapped by a SEAL - Makenna Jameison Page 0,35

looking toward the hallway.

“Yep. There’s just one, but I’ll crash out here on the sofa.”

She nodded. “I’m exhausted, too. I guess I’ll call my parents in the morning to let them know I’m gone—I’m sure they’ll totally freak out if I call them right now in the middle of the night. They’ve had enough to worry about lately.”

“It’s better that you’re safe,” he said, meeting her gaze. A beat passed, and he had the strange urge to go down the hallway with her, to take her into his arms and hold her close all night. Not that he was about to let that happen.

“True,” she agreed, pulling the handle up from her suitcase. She wheeled it down the hallway before he could protest.

Ryker walked to the windows, making sure they were each locked, and then went to look around the kitchen. The window there was secure and nothing looked disturbed from the last time he’d checked in on the place.

He stashed his bag beside the sofa and walked down the hallway. He didn’t want to bother Emily but needed to hit the head before bed. They’d deal with food and scoping out supplies and whatnot in the morning. He’d brought some stuff along from Emily’s condo, and he knew his buddy kept a ton of canned goods and other nonperishables.

Glancing into the bedroom as he passed by, he saw Emily standing beside the bed, pulling off her sweatshirt. Her breasts pushed against the tee shirt she still had on, and he swore he’d never seen anything sexier in his life.

Ryker sure the hell appreciated a woman strutting around in lingerie or a skimpy little string bikini, but damn. Emily in those joggers and tee shirt was just about the prettiest damn thing he’d ever seen.

He felt a little bit like he’d intruded on a private moment as he looked in the bedroom, but she’d left the door wide open and was still fully dressed.

“Everything looks secure,” he called out as he stepped into the bathroom.

He heard her muffled reply as he did his business, and then he was surprised to see Emily standing in the hallway when he walked back out. It had taken everything in him not to stand there ogling her in the doorway, and now she’d come to find him?

Emily looked nervous, which seemed unlike her.

“Is everything okay?” he asked in a low voice.

“Yes,” she said, nodding. “Look, I know this is kind of weird of me to ask, but can you stay with me tonight? I don’t think I can sleep being in this new place all alone. I mean you don’t have to, but—” She cut off, her cheeks pinkening. Was she embarrassed to appear vulnerable in front of him? Or nervous about asking him to sleep in the same room?

His eyes softened. “Sure. I can grab a pillow and crash on the floor. No biggie.”

She nodded, looking a little uncertain. “It’s a big bed. I mean—I could just stay on my side.”

“Whatever you’re comfortable with, sweetheart,” he said, his voice catching.


Could he spend the night in this woman’s bed without touching her? Sure, he wasn’t a total jackass and respected a woman’s choices, but hell. He’d be hard as a rock knowing her body was only a few feet away. And it’s not like he made a habit of sharing a bed with a woman he didn’t intend to fuck.

Still, if it made her feel better to have him sleeping right beside her, he’d do it.

He could look but not touch, sleep in the same bed and give her the peace of mind she needed. If anything, she deserved that sense of security after what she’d been through. He might be attracted to her, but he could be a gentleman. He was the one who’d dragged her out here in the middle of the night after all. He wanted her to feel safe.

“It’s fine,” he assured her. “Hell, I’ve pitched tents with my buddies all over the world. Sleeping beside you is a hell of a lot better than being right next to one of those guys. Let’s go to bed.”

She nodded and turned toward the bedroom. “Lights on or off?” he asked, hovering in the doorway. At this point he wanted to do whatever made her feel comfortable.

“Can we leave a hall light on?”

“Sure thing, sweetheart,” he said, going back out of the bedroom. Emily was already climbing into bed when he walked back in, and he tried to ignore the hardening in Copyright 2016 - 2024