Kidnapped by a SEAL - Makenna Jameison Page 0,32

matter of life or death. He wouldn’t sit here with her all night arguing about it. If she didn’t want to come with him, he’d take her, consequences be damned.

“This is insane,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

He stood up, watching as her mouth parted. “Pack your things—whatever you need for a few days. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”


“I’m taking you with me. Pack your stuff.” Ryker turned and left the room, leaving Emily sitting there on her bed. It was the hardest damn thing he’d ever done.

Chapter 14

Emily shakily stuffed some clothes into her suitcase, glancing around her bedroom. They needed to leave? After she’d finally just gotten back home?

This was ridiculous.

She hadn’t even been back for one day—she hadn’t done laundry. Hadn’t unpacked. Hadn’t even slept a full night in her bed.

Crossing over to her dresser, she pulled out an oversized sweatshirt to wear. It might have only been September, but she was suddenly freezing. She’d lost weight and hadn’t gotten her strength back. Her body hadn’t healed. She hadn’t even gotten a few nights of rest.

Sighing, she started stuffing clothes into her suitcase—pajamas, a couple of pairs of thong panties, a pair of jeans, some tee shirts. She grabbed a bra and her chest holster. Could she comfortably wear it with her bruised ribs? Doubtful.

A minute later and she was pulling her suitcase back down the hallway.

“Jesus, let me get that,” Ryker said, crossing toward her in a couple of long strides. His eyes tracked her movements as she grabbed a different holster and secured her weapon. “Your personal gun?”

She nodded. “State’s not exactly going to issue me a weapon until I’m cleared for duty.”


“I’m not on any heavy-duty pain meds,” she assured him. “It’s not a risk.”

His dark gray eyes met hers. “I trust you. I know you’re trained. But let me get you out of here and to safety.”

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“We need to head out of DC. I thought about taking you down to Little Creek, but we could be tracked there. I’d rather let the FBI do their thing and find these thugs. We’re heading out to the Shenandoah mountains. A buddy of mine has a cabin there we can crash in.”

“Does he know we’re coming?” she asked skeptically.

Ryker nodded. “He’s not there. It’s fully stocked and totally private—off the beaten path. We’ll have to make sure we’re not followed as we leave the city, but once we’re in the clear, we’ll be safe.”

“And then…what? We just sit and wait?”

“Yep. It fucking sucks, I know.”

“Damn straight,” she replied instantly. “I want to get these bastards.”

“As do I. But you’re in no condition to be running and fighting. And I want to keep you safe.”

She glanced over at him, startled at the heat in his tone. Ryker was serious—he’d do everything in his power to protect her. It was strange to have someone else so concerned about her. She knew it had been his mission to rescue her in Afghanistan, but what did it matter to him now? Sure, he was a decent guy, but to go above and beyond like this? She wasn’t quite sure what to think.

“Let’s get going, Emily,” he said.

The sound of his deep voice uttering her name had unexplained licks of heat coiling through her. Ryker was sexy and gruff—assertive. Masculine. She didn’t quite know what to make of him controlling the situation, but she also wasn’t in much of a position to argue.

He was determined to keep her safe, and if she happened to find him attractive? Well, so what.

He slung his own bag over one shoulder and grabbed her suitcase.

“Hunter texted me that the FBI is on their way to your building. They’ll be watching for anything suspicious, but we’re not sticking around. They put a BOLO out for the two perps. And State is sending an agent to wait outside your parents’ house.”

“God—my parents. They’re going to flip. Can we bring them with us?”

“No, I’m sorry. We need to move as quickly as possible. They’ll be safe with protection though.”

“Then let’s go,” she said, resigned to the plan.

“I’m in the garage next to your building. Are you okay to walk that far?” he said, gray eyes piercing her with their intensity.

“I’m good,” she assured him. “Half asleep, perhaps, but I can walk next door. Let’s roll out.”

His lips quirked, and he nodded, opening her condo door and glancing around the hallway. She followed him out, not able to see anything over his shoulder. It Copyright 2016 - 2024