Kickstart My Heart (Burgers and Brew Crue #1) - Lacey Black Page 0,83

his plan is, if any. Lizzie and I will hang around here today, so you know she’s safe. When you leave here, I want you to go to my place,” I insist, reaching into my jeans and pulling out my keys. I remove my house key and place it in her palm.

“I can go back to my apartment,” she argues lamely.

“Not until we get a little more security there, okay? Please, Mal. I’m not trying to take over or tell you what to do, but I’m not sure I can work tonight knowing you’re at your place and possibly exposed to him.”

She looks down at the key before closing her hand around it. “Okay.”

Sighing with relief, I pull her into my arms one last time. “Thank you. Now, let’s go out there and see Lou. I bet she’s getting hungry.”

Mallory smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m sorry I’m pulling you into my mess.”

I kiss her forehead. “No place I’d rather be, Mal. We’ll get it figured out. Together.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I feel like I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. As I finished my shift, when Walker helped me load Lizzie in my vehicle, and as I pulled from the parking lot to head to his house with the promise to text the moment we arrived. Lizzie’s chatting animatedly in the back seat, completely oblivious to the turmoil surrounding us.

I glance in the rearview mirror and flip on my turn signal when I approach the apartment building. If we’re going to stay with Walker, I should probably stop and grab some of our belongings for tonight and tomorrow. I also need to speak to Mrs. Fritz. After our talk in his office, Walker and Jameson got to thinking it might be better for Lizzie to stay with Walker, even on the days she doesn’t have school. If Devon showed up, he’d have no problem overpowering Mrs. Fritz, and I’d never be able to live with myself if something happened to her because of me.

I stop in the first available parking spot and turn off the ignition. “Guess what, Lizzie?”


“What do you think about having a sleepover at Walker’s house for a night or two?”

“Wiff you too?” Her eyes light up with excitement.

“Yes, I’ll be there too,” I reply, giving her a reassuring smile. With my keys in my hand, I exit the vehicle and help Lizzie unbuckle from her harness. I take her hand in mine and head for the front entrance to the building. “We’re going to grab a bag of clothes and go to Walker’s house, okay?”

“Otay! Can I pway outside?”

Pulling open the door, I glance down at my daughter. “Probably not tonight, but I’m sure you can tomorrow.”

We stop on the second floor, and I knock on Mrs. Fritz’s door. She opens it with a smile. “Well, isn’t this a surprise.”

“I just wanted to stop in and let you know there’s been a slight change in plans for a while. I’m going to stay with a friend for a bit,” I tell her, careful to conceal the real reason we won’t be in the building.

“Is it that handsome man who comes by at all hours of the night?” she asks, an ornery smirk on her aged face.

I can feel the blush move up my cheeks. “Oh, well, actually, yes.”

“Good for you, dear. You deserve to be happy, and if that hunk of man does it for you, then don’t walk toward him. Run.” She sits back down in her easy chair and glances at the game show on the television.

“Well, it’s just temporary. I’m still keeping my apartment, but while I’m staying there, he’s going to let Lizzie hang out with him.”

She waves a hand. “I’m here if you need me, dear. Just knock on the door and I’ll watch her,” she replies, her eyes now engrossed on the action on TV.

I give her a smile, even though she doesn’t see it. “Thank you, Mrs. Fritz. I’ll be in touch.”

Again, she waves her hand. “Sounds good.”

Lizzie says goodbye, and we exit the apartment. Once we reach the third floor, I pull out my key and unlock the door. The place feels the same, but I can’t stop myself from glancing around, as if Devon will jump out from a closet or from behind the curtains.

My daughter pulls on my hand, clearly indicating she’s ready to go to her room.

“I’ll grab a bag, and we’ll get it packed up,” I tell her as she sprints off to her Copyright 2016 - 2024