Kickstart My Heart (Burgers and Brew Crue #1) - Lacey Black Page 0,6


I cleaned out my checking and savings to move here. Not that I had a lot to begin with, but it was enough to secure this apartment with first and last month’s rent, as well as give me the gas money I needed for the trip. We didn’t bring much, just whatever I could fit in my car.

Not that I wanted much from my old life anyway.

Shaking off the unpleasantries of what I left behind, I glance down at my daughter. “Would you like some milk?” Lizzie nods eagerly, taking another bite of her cheese. When I pour the small glass, I take the empty seat beside her. “Tomorrow Mommy starts her new job. That means you get to go play with Mrs. Fritz again. Is that okay?”

Light green eyes gaze up at me. She seems to think about my question before nodding her approval.

“Good. And tomorrow, when I get off work, we’ll go to Walmart and grab a few more things for your room. Sound good?”

“Yay!” she exclaims, her blonde pigtails bouncing as she gets excited to go shopping.

Smiling, I reach over and swipe a strand of hair off her forehead. “Finish your cheese and milk, and then I’ll turn on a movie, okay?” She agrees, and I just sit there and watch as she sips her milk like a big girl from her favorite purple cup and shoves the last of her cheese stick into her mouth.

When she’s cleaned up, we head into the living room. I was able to bring the old twenty-seven-inch television from our old place, along with a well-used DVD player. Lizzie goes over and picks out a Care Bears movie, grabs her purple blanket, and curls up on the couch. I know she’ll be out in a matter of minutes.

While my daughter takes a nap, I wash dishes in the sink and prepare for dinner. Mac and cheese and hotdogs. Again. But they’re cheap and easy, and Lizzie loves them. There’s a noticeable pile of dirty clothes on my bedroom floor, but I hate the idea of leaving Lizzie up here unattended, even to just run down to the basement to start a load of laundry, but considering I only have one pair of black pants, I’m definitely going to need to have to bite the bullet. Maybe when she’s asleep I can lock her in here and run down to start a load. It won’t take very long, as long as I have everything sorted up here and ready to go.

I glance around my bedroom, which consists of two opened boxes of clothes that also serves as my dresser. There were a few wire hangers left in the closet, and after I rebent them into shape, I was able to hang a few shirts to hopefully help with wrinkle control. Mentally, I add hangers to the growing list of merchandise I’m going to need from the store.

Slipping off the black pants and white button-down shirt I wore to my interview, I hang them back up to wear again tomorrow and throw on a pair of legging capris and a fitted T-shirt. I’ll have to provide my own pants for work, but Isaac assured me they’ll have five polo shirts ready for me when I arrive tomorrow. I’m grateful I don’t have to go out and buy clothes to start the job.

The job.

My mind returns to Walker. Those eyes were the most brilliant blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Like sapphires sparkling under the Caribbean sun. Throw in chiseled arms and hair a woman could get her fingers tangled in, and you have a recipe for trouble.

But I shake it off.

I have no business thinking about him, or any man for that matter. Especially not Walker, who’s basically one of my bosses. I just left behind one I thought was a good guy, who ended up being anything but. My heart starts to race as I think about Devon and the trouble he caused. Of the damage he’s done. Of the fact I could have very easily lost my daughter.

I blink back tears and leave my empty bedroom. After making sure Lizzie is still sound asleep on the couch, I slip into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Usually I take one before bed, but I could definitely use it right now, especially since I know the tears are coming and there’s no way to stop them.

When I’m alone in the small room and the water is hot—or as hot as I can Copyright 2016 - 2024