Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,85

tunic and yanked it over her head. Her breasts popped free of the material, her nipples hardening beneath his dark gaze.

With trembling hands, she undid the clasps of his armor and watched him toss it onto the sandy shore by their feet. They shimmied out of the rest of their clothes, clashing together when they were both free of the restraints of them.

The hard planes of his chest shot a new spark of desire through her body. Gasping when his mouth found her nipple, she hooked her leg around his waist and moaned. He buried himself in her breasts, transforming her into a tangle of wild need.

Winding her arms around his neck, she climbed him like a tree, wrapping her other leg around his waist. His hardness pulsed between them. Growling, he nipped her neck with his teeth.

“Someone seems eager,” he murmured as he trailed hot kisses along her collarbone.

She shuddered against him, angling her body so that their hips fit together like the pieces of a complicated puzzle. Reyna had never met anyone like Lorcan Rothach, and she knew she never would again. Tomorrow, they would have to worry about war and blood and fear.

Tonight, she just wanted to lose herself in him.

“I’ve dreamt about you for weeks,” she whispered into his ear. “I don’t want to dream of you any longer.”

He lifted his gaze to hers. Need flashed in the depths of his midnight eyes. “I never thought I’d see you again.”

Her heart lurched in her chest, beating in time with his. “I was never going to stop fighting to get back to you.”

His lips collided with hers, fierce and hungry. She lost herself in his kiss. Nothing in the past mattered anymore. Only his touch. Only his mouth. Only the growing hardness between them.

Shuddering, he slid inside of her. She gasped as her wetness coated his cock. The length of him speared her, hitting the very back of her core. She moaned at the feel of him, a desperate need for more rising up within her like a great, magnificent beast.

“You have never felt better than you do now.” His fingers dug into her thighs, tugging her even closer to him. With a sigh, she slid along the full length of him until their bodies connected like stars.

He slammed into her once more. She hooked her arms around his neck and clung on tight while the speed of his thrusts increased with every passing moment. The heat in her core was almost overwhelming. She couldn’t even think straight around the lust for the only male in the world she’d ever wanted.

Lorcan pressed his lips to her shoulder and bit into her skin. The light pain was electric, charging through her like a storm. She dropped back her head and cried out his name, shuddering when he dragged his tongue along her swollen nipples.

Her core clenched tight around him. She didn’t want this to end, but she couldn’t stop herself from hurtling faster and faster toward the cliff. At the sound of her pleasure, Lorcan’s thrusts turned frenetic. He needed her just as much as she needed him, and together, they were a hurricane of shadows and ice.

Every cell in her body turned to light as her need shattered around them. Tremors shook through her, making her come undone. With an eager grunt, Lorcan thrusted once more and released his seed inside her, their bodies becoming one.

She sagged in his arms as her heart still raced. He kept his cock inside her as he gently laid her down on the sand. Need still pulsed within her core. Even after all that, she wanted more. Staring down at her with adoring eyes, he traced his finger along the curve of her jaw.

“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he whispered.

A tear slipped down her cheek. Reaching up, she brushed his dark curls away from his face. “Does this mean you aren’t done with me yet?”

His lips curled into a wicked smile. “I will never be done with you.”



“Why have you come to see me?” Emperor Lir peered down at one of his subjects. The uneasy Fomorian knelt to his knees, his head bowed before his ruler. He was a powerful male, black wings flared wide on either side of his muscular body. The strands of his deep purple hair hung like a curtain around a face that looked as though it had been chiseled from stone.

And yet, he looked weak compared to the Emperor who Copyright 2016 - 2024