Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,48

the scourge of the earth, and—

Reyna ground her teeth and blocked out the Ruin’s stupid voice. Eventually, she would have to face it, she knew. It would not stay quiet inside of her forever. It would scratch its way into her head and stay there until it ripped her apart from the inside out. But right now, she could not deal with it. She had to find a way inside that tent.



Her quarters were nicer than she wanted to admit. Everything was draped in flowing ebony silk. Splashes of gold and crimson had been cast throughout her rooms, vibrant and intense. Thankfully, the Emperor had not made her join him in his bedchambers after their wedding. She’d scarcely seen him since.

His absence had eased some of her hopeless horror, along with the strange presence of the barn owl, who had taken up residence in her quarters as well. If she was not to be used like a naked puppet on a string, then she could learn to live in this place, biding her time until she could escape. Hopefully, today would be that day.

After breaking her fast, she waited until the druid’s footsteps faded down the corridor. She’d been tracking his movements for days. She knew where he went and at what time. She knew when the corridors would be empty while the Emperor met with his advisors. One day, she’d asked the druid for a tour through the castle.

She had her escape plan readied. And it was time.

With a deep breath, she pushed out into the silent corridor, whispering a goodbye to the barn owl. She tiptoed across the stone, even knowing that no one would hear her even if her steps rang loud. Her heart pounded hard against her ribcage as she trekked toward the doors.

Even though she’d planned it down to the minute, she was still shocked when she made it through the palace without incident. Her heart picked up speed as she raced across the floor. The door was finally in sight. No one was around to stop her. She had no idea what she’d do once she made it into the city, but she had time to figure that out. For now, she just needed to run as fast as she could to get out of this building.

She slammed hard into the air. It knocked her back several feet. Her breath hurtled from her lungs as she fell flat on her arse. Her head rang from the force of it.

Blinking, she pushed up from the floor and frowned at the space before her. There was nothing there. Nothing but air between her and the door. And yet…something had stopped her.

Slowly this time, she strode forward. And hit something hard once again.

It was like there was a barrier there…one she couldn’t see.

“What?” she whispered, pressing her fingers against the invisible wall. It writhed beneath her touch like a living thing. With a gasp, she yanked her hand back.

“Wondering why you’re unable to escape?”

Her heart nearly stopped. She had hoped to never hear that voice again. Gritting her teeth, she glanced over her shoulder. He stood calmly on the middle of the staircase, leaning up against the railing with a kind of ease that only emperors had.

“I’m not as dumb as you think I am.” She whirled toward him, hands fisted. “That’s some magical barrier you’ve created. To trap me here.”

“Ah. See, you are as dumb as I think you are.” He rolled his eyes. “That’s not a magical barrier.”

“Then, what the hell is it?” she growled.

“Feisty, aren’t you? Has anyone ever told you that?”

She blinked. “No.”

They hadn’t. People said that about Reyna, but certainly not Eislyn. The girl with a nose in her book. A girl who fled from trouble. And then her mind flashed back to that night. Her magic shooting from her palms. All that blood.

“Well, they must be blind.”

Ignoring him, she crossed her arms and gave him a pointed look. “Why can’t I leave the palace?”

“Because I married you.”

Eislyn’s jaw dropped. A strange sense of clarity slithered through her, as silent and deadly as a poisonous snake. None of it had made sense before now. Why he’d wanted to marry her. Why he’d insisted on creating their bond before she stepped out of his sight. Of course, she still had questions. Why her? Just because she was a Tir Na Nog fae? Surely she wasn’t the first to step foot on their shores since the pact?

“So, this marriage thing. It’s magic,” she whispered.

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