Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,44

dirt. It’s in our blood.”

“So, what are you saying?”

“The High King is a Selkirk, but he is also a sea fae. He brings the families together, like it or not. That is where your sister comes in.”

Reyna’s hands fisted. Even after all this time, she did not like it. Thane had turned out to be a far cry from the cruel, wicked male she’d thought him to be. He was kind and generous. But he was not honorable. At least, not honorable enough for Eislyn Darragh. He’d fled his own court. Reyna could forgive him for that, but that did not mean that she wanted him to marry her baby sister.

“You’re leaving out the wood and shadow fae from this arrangement,” she said, changing the subject.

“The shadow fae will be happy enough just to escape their dreaded lands,” Moina said. “And as for the wood fae? They’ll be conquered.”

Reyna twisted toward her, chest lifting. “Does that mean your warriors have agreed to the plan?”

Moina knelt before Reyna, knees in the dusty soot. “We’ll do what it takes. You have my word as a captain in this great army. It’s time for that wicked king to fall.”

Hope rose in Reyna’s chest, but it was quickly squashed by the thought of what lay ahead. Many of the air fae would die. There was no guarantee that they would win.

“What’s going on here?” The voice came from behind her. Moina glanced up, and her eyes widened in shock. She was on her feet in a hasty second, dusting the dirt from her knees. Reyna’s heart lurched like a wild beast. It was that goddamn voice again.


“Why are you kneeling on the ground? Why is this wood fae here?” he demanded.

Reyna slowly spun on her heels, her mouth twisted in a half-grimace, half-smile.

His jaw dropped. “You.”

“Hello again, Grand Alderman,” she said, tucking her hands behind her back.

“What are you doing here?” His beady eyes flicked to Moina. “Why are you speaking with my captain? Were you making her kneel? You’re just a wood fae warrior. You don’t have that kind of rank here.”

“It was by High King Molt’s command,” Reyna said. “He asked me to come here and ensure her cooperation.”

Moina gasped.

Oh, fuck. Moina didn’t know Reyna could lie.

The Ruin laughed. You are getting very good at your little lies. You’re doing it so often now that you don’t even think before you speak. Do you know who else likes lies?


Heart hammering, her mind spun with a million different thoughts. Moina had trusted her. She only agreed to what Reyna had asked because she believed every word to be true. And it had been. But Moina would not know that now. For all she knew, Reyna could be a wood king spy, someone who had found a way to fib her way into their hearts and minds.

And she couldn’t very well explain it, not with Aengus standing right there. He would give her up to Ulaid Molt in a heartbeat.

“Captain Moina does not appear to agree with your statement.” Narrowing his eyes, he drew his rapier from his scabbard. He lifted the pointy tip and flicked it in her direction. “I have a feeling I know exactly who you are. I’ve seen this trick once before. You females with your hair dye, always trying to trick people into thinking you’re someone you’re not. Well, you won’t fool me, Princess Reyna Darragh.”

“And what is it you think you’re going to do to me, Aengus?” Reyna pulled her ice dagger from her waistband and clutched it in her hand. “Kill me? You can try.”

“Traitor,” he hissed, darting closer. “How dare you raise a blade to your Grand Alderman, your king in name if not in power? Or did you think I’d forget about your alliance with my court. That makes you my subject.”

“It might, if Thane Selkirk wasn’t alive.” Reyna smiled when he jerked back as if he’d been slapped. “As it stands, not only is he alive, but he is returning to Tairngire as we speak. In fact, he might already be there, lounging on his Seat of Power, while you…cower before a king who wants nothing to do with you.”

“Lies. Those are lies.” He pointed a trembling finger at her. “You can lie.”

That part was true. “I’m not lying, Aengus.”

“Stop calling me Aengus!” he screamed, his chin wobbling as he flashed his rapier left and right. The sound echoed through the camp, alerting the nearby air fae warriors of the confrontation. Several left their Copyright 2016 - 2024