Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,131

should read what he’s written.”

“And why is that, my son?” Adonis asked with a roll of his eyes. Cyril had forgone the princely garb for some kind of ridiculous merchant get-up. His floppy hat hung over his golden eyes, making him look like a fool. “You seem to have little interest in court. Why start now?”

Cyril leaned forward, bracing his fisted hand on the wooden desk. “Because this isn’t about court. This is about power. The kind of power that humans have never dared dream of. Fae power.”

Adonis snorted. “The fae lost their powers a hundred years ago. Or at least that’s what they’ve led us to believe, and you know they cannot lie.”

“Read the letter, father. Please, I’m begging you just this once. Listen to me.”

Adonis frowned. Through all his cruel schemes, Cyril had never once begged his father for anything. Most of the time, he shrugged him off, desperate to prove he did not need a kingly father to improve his life.

With a sigh, Adonis acquiesced. He snatched the parchment from the desk and unfolded the letter. His eyes skimmed the words, and his frown deepened with every passing beat. When he’d finally read the last line, he turned and tossed it into the flames.

“Well?” Cyril asked. “Why did you throw it in the fire?”

“I can’t risk anyone else getting their hands on these words,” Adonis murmured, slowly rubbing his thick beard. It had grown rough as he’d aged, now peppered with far more grey than brown. He felt that age in his bones as well. He moved slower now. His back often ached. Occasionally, even his knees would pop.

Cyril let out an impatient huff. “What do you think?”

“I think I underestimated your little smuggler friend,” Adonis said, pursing his lips. “He seems to have infiltrated the fae courts and passed himself off as one of them. Using something he calls Unseelie magic. Magic that we can get. All of us.”

“We should take it, father.” Cyril leaned forward, his eyes flashing. “Think of what we can do with that. Humanity, saved. Immortality would be ours for the taking.”

“Yes, but we’d have to sail our armies there,” Adonis pointed out. “The fae would fight us.”

“They’ve been fighting each other for decades. There won’t be enough of them left to take on our entire army.”

Adonis slowly nodded. He turned to gaze out the window at the western horizon, toward the fae lands that waited on the other side of the Mag Mell Sea. Adonis had never met a fae in his life, but he’d hated them for as long as he could remember. They took humans as slaves. His mother had been one of them, stolen when he’d only been a boy of five. He could barely even remember her face.

And now humanity had a chance to turn the tide.

“Prepare the armies,” Adonis said, pushing up from his desk with fisted hands. “The time for us to sail to Tir Na Nog has come.”

The Fallen Fae continues in…

Tower of Thorns

(The Fallen Fae, Book Four)

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This book would not have become the book it is without the incredible support of my husband. You sat me down and talked through the plot with me when I got stuck in the weeds. Without your help, I never would have figured out the story I needed to tell. Thank you.

And, even though she’ll never see this, I have to give a shout-out to the incredible Taylor Swift. These gorgeous new albums pulled me through this hard year and helped me write the ending of this story.

Thanks, as always, to my writing buddies in the AC, and to Frankie, Alison, and Christine. I couldn’t do this without our daily chats.

Finally, the biggest thank you to my supportive readers. You mean the world to me.

Glossary of Terms

Adhradh - a building of worship for followers of the Dagda

Airgead - the coin of the six kingdoms in Tir Na Nog

Alchemist - a healer in Tir Na Nog who specializes in herbal treatments

Alder - a tree found within the Wood Court lands that turns to an orange red when cut

Animal familiar - an animal whose soul is linked to the soul of a fae

Beltane - the yearly celebration that takes place at the beginning of summer

Brigantu - one of the two moons

Buntata - a strong drink brewed from spirits, potatoes, sugar, pink coloring and egg whites

Court of Death - the mysterious home of the Dagda

Dagda - the god worshipped by all of those in Tir Na Nog, other than the shadow fae

Danu - one of the two moons

The Dionadair - the true name of the magic plaguing the lands of Tir Na Nog, created to protect the world from Unseelie

Dryads - tree nymphs who live in the wood fae lands, who tend to avoid courtly politics so that they might live in peace

Druid - a religious leader in the faith of the Dagda

Elemental Arts - the powers that were once available to fae based on their lineage

The Fall - the event where every fae upon Tir Na Nog fell to the ground, losing the magic given to them by the Dagda

Fomorians - the mysterious people of the Empire of Fomor, found across the impassable sea

Ghaisgeach - a hero spoken of in the lore of the sea fae

Grand Alderman - the right hand of the High King and the second most powerful position in a kingdom

High King - the highest ranking noble in the kingdom who controls the Seat of Power

High Queen - the highest ranking noble if there is no High King

Hoarfrost silk - expensive, valuable silk obtained from the hoarfrost worms only found in icy terrain

Ice glass - a strong, sturdy glass found in the mines of the Ice Court that can be used to create jewellery and weapons

Ifrinn - the fae underworld where damned souls are forced to live for eternity

The Namhaid - the enemy of the Fomorians, according to an ancient prophecy

Priest - a religious leader for the followers of the Unseelie god

Rowan - a tree found in the north yielding berries that can intoxicate

The Ruin - a terrible magic that falls from the sky, destroying everything it touches

Seat of Power - the coronation seat in each of the six kingdoms that bestows power and strength

Seelie - the god of light who has long been forgotten by the fae of Tir Na Nog

Sgail - the dead coin of the shadow fae, no longer accepted in any market in Tir Na Nog

Shadowsteel - a powerful steel forged from metals only found within the Shadow Court lands

Shieldmaiden - a female warrior who vows to spend her entire life protecting her people no matter the cost

Tamaris steel - a strong, sturdy steel forged within the Fire Court lands

Tir Na Nog - the continent of the six fae kingdoms

Unseelie - the dark magic god that bestows powerful gifts, but requires sacrifice in return

The Wild Hunt - the rumored hunt by Fomorians every Beltane where they kill every fae they see

Winter Solstice - the yearly celebration during mid-winter

Yew - a poisonous tree found throughout the continent

Also by Jenna Wolfhart

The Fallen Fae

Court of Ruins

Kingdom in Exile

Keeper of Storms

Tower of Thorns

Prince of Shadows (A Novella)

The Paranormal PI Files

Live Fae or Die Trying

Dead Fae Walking

Bad Fae Rising

One Fae in the Grave

Innocent Until Proven Fae

All’s Fae in Love and War

The Supernatural Spy Files

Confessions of a Dangerous Fae

Confessions of a Wicked Fae

The Bone Coven Chronicles

Witch’s Curse

Witch’s Storm

Witch’s Blade

Witch’s Fury

Protectors of Magic

Wings of Stone

Carved in Stone

Bound by Stone

Shadows of Stone

Otherworld Academy

A Dance with Darkness

A Song of Shadows

A Touch of Starlight

A Cage of Moonlight

A Heart of Midnight

Order of the Fallen



About the Author

Jenna Wolfhart spends her days tucked away in her writing shed. When she's not writing, she loves to deadlift, rewatch Game of Thrones, and drink copious amounts of coffee.

Born and raised in America, Jenna now lives in England with her husband, her two dogs, and her mischief of rats.

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