Keeper of Storms (The Fallen Fae #3) - Jenna Wolfhart Page 0,108

their king had returned from the dead to save them.

He cleared his throat and lifted his hand, thinking of Thane and what he might say to the people who needed him. “I am so sorry for what has happened to you all. Ulaid Molt stole through our gates by the trickery of the Unseelie priests. The fae he murdered was a pretender attempting to surrender our realm so that we might join with the Wood Court. So that we might return to the dark ways of Unseelie.”

Lorcan growled as he shook his head, the anger still fresh and raw within him. He stepped closer to Reyna, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I have returned with an army. Our new allies, the Ice, Sea, and Air Courts have marched south with theirs. We will rip Ulaid Molt out of that castle and this city. And then we will take his lands for ours. There, we will find food, and sunlight, and hope of a brighter future. This, I promise you.”

The crowd roared. The weary shadow fae of Findius jumped to their feet and pounded their fists at the misty skies. Their jubilant faces made Lorcan’s troubled heart double in size.

Suddenly, wood fae warriors streamed in from nearby streets, aiming their bows as the celebrating fae. But the shadows, now emboldened by hope and desperate determination, grabbed their own weapons and joined the fray. Chaos exploded in the square. Lorcan reached for his weapon, heart thumping.

“Wait.” Reyna wrapped her hand around his wrist, peering up at him. “I don’t think Thane is coming.”

The world tipped sideways beneath Lorcan’s feet. “What?”

“He’s not coming. Neither is my father. There’s been no sign of either army.”

Lorcan shuddered. Surely this couldn’t be true.

Thane had to come. Lorcan had been counting on it. Without his army, without the Ice and Sea Court warriors, there weren’t enough fighters on their side to win this battle against the wood king. Even then, he knew it would be next to impossible. Like Reyna had said, the wood king had blood magic on his side.

“He would not abandon me like this.”

“Of course he wouldn’t,” Reyna said, sadness flooding her silver eyes. “Something must have stopped him.”

A new pain ripped through Lorcan’s heart. “No. He can’t be dead.”

“And I hope to the gods he’s not. But we can’t count on him to save us, Lorcan. We’re going to have to find a way to save ourselves.”

We. Thank the gods she hadn’t given up completely.

Lorcan shifted his gaze to the square. The army he’d brought across the Misty Wastes had now battled their way inside. They’d joined the low fae of Findius, fighting beside them, slashing down wood fae. Right now, theirs was the greater army, but it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Molt had thousands more, likely guarding the castle. Eventually, the tide would turn and not for the better.

“And how the hell are we supposed to do that?” he said wearily.

“You get me into the castle,” she whispered, struggling to stand. She swept Wingallock into her arms and gently cradled him against her chest. “Get me in front of the king. I’m going to use the Ruin to kill him.”

His frown deepened. “But won’t that kill you, too?”


“But I thought—”

She grasped his hands. “Please. I think we’ve been wrong all this time. The Ruin was confused, or maybe I was. But I don’t think I’m the Namhaid anymore. I think it’s Ulaid Molt. And if I don’t use the Ruin against him, he will destroy this entire world. Get me inside that castle, Lorcan. The future of every living thing is at stake.”

Lorcan swallowed hard and nodded. He hated this, but she was right. If they didn’t do something, Ulaid Molt would win. “Alright, but I’m not going to let you face this alone.”

Reyna moaned, panic flickering in her silver eyes. “You have to let me do this by myself, Lorcan.”

“Why?” He took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “You said it wouldn’t kill you, but I know you, Reyna. I can tell when you’re lying. You think you’ll die if you use that magic, and yet you’re going to do it anyway because you are so bloody single-minded. But I’m not going to let that happen.”

“Lorcan, please,” she whispered. “This isn’t about me. It’s not about any single one of us. It’s everything. Everyone.”

“Which is why I am going to be there with you.” He tightened his grip on her hands. “You think Copyright 2016 - 2024