The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,89

defended expertly, as if he was expecting them. It was a masterclass of swordsmanship and the Thargw warrior laughed out loud.

“Ha ha... Good! Very good!” he said, as they each paused for a moment to catch their breath. “I see your reputation is well earned. I am going to enjoy this!” he continued, as he paced slowly around Knesh searching for the best angle to attack him from.

Then, with lightning speed, Sawdon jumped onto the exhausted Knesh. Blow after blow reigned down upon the warrior’s sword, but once again they were expertly repulsed, Knesh even managing to find the strength to launch a few attacks of his own in retaliation.

It was the fight of fights! Two experts of their profession locked in a bitter and deadly duel to the death, neither of them giving, nor expecting, any quarter. And both of them fighting with speed, aggression and skill.

The amazed and enthralled Thargws and Falorians looked on excitedly as they fought. They began cheering and clapping wildly, whilst the doomed rebels watched the proceedings at the end of swordpoints, realising that they were about to die, but able to do nothing to save themselves.

The fight lasted a long, long time. Both warriors inflicted cuts and wounds on their opponent but none of them were serious and it seemed to the onlookers that the fight would never end. Finally, Sawdon’s superior strength began to prove decisive. Knesh was exhausted and he was a little too slow in parrying the final thrust of Sawdon’s sword. It plunged deep into his side, the Thargw ripping it out immediately but lifting it upwards as he did so with expertise, so that the blade would inflict maximum damage upon its victim.

It was a mortal wound and Knesh dropped his sword. He sank to his knees gasping for breath as the giant figure of Sawdon moved forward to tower over him. Sawdon kicked his sword away and then looked at the Thargws who surrounded them. He too was now exhausted, but he felt totally exhilarated and he shouted proudly to his countrymen.

“Behold. The best they have!”

The mighty warrior lifted his sword high in triumph as Knesh lay dying on the floor. The Thargws and Falorians cheered loudly and began to chant his ame. Sawdon let it continue for a while and then he held up his hand to stop the noise. Once the cheering had finally died down, all of the Northern Army soldiers looked expectantly at Sawdon.

The Thargw looked down upon the stricken Knesh. He lifted his head by placing his sword under the warrior’s chin and then, staring straight into his eyes, he leant down and spoke quietly to him.

“A good fight, soldier.” he whispered respectfully.

Then he swung his battlesword and cut off Knesh’ head in one foul swipe. It fell at Sawdon’s feet. He picked up the head by its hair and showed it to the rapturous crowd. The Thargws and Falorians were all overcome with joy and they celebrated their victory by mercilessly massacring the terrified rebels who had helplessly witnessed the events unfold, ripping them to pieces with sword, claws and teeth.

The Battle of Erriard Forest was over!

Chapter 27

Mid Morning 15th August – Heron Getracht Fortress - Rhuaddan

The terrible events that had occurred at Erriard forest were as yet unknown to the raiders of Heron Getracht. They were all busy preparing to leave the fortification along with their new recruits. The preparations to leave the fortress had taken longer than anyone had expected. The search of the grounds had revealed that there were too few horses to carry all of the prisoners to Soreen village, even if they doubled up on each mount. Many of the freed prisoners were too weak to take part in any immediate action and would probably prove a liability in any raids on enemy strongholds. Jake therefore decided to split his force. The weak and the elderly (the majority of whom were now on foot as most of the horses were needed for the soldiers of the raiding parties) would travel under command of Queen Bressial and Lord Castrad to Soreen. They would take the quickest possible route; through the P’tan Mountains and the Rednaw Pass. Once at Soreen, they would join with King Artrex and the survivors of the Battle of Erriard Forest to await the arrival of Jake and his force which, it had been decided, would raid the four great mines of King Vantrax in quick succession, beginning with the great mine at Lidzenstor.

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