The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,83


“I will not leave you to your fate, my friend!” stated Artrex, before Ben could speak and with a tear in his eye. “There are others who can perform this task. It does not have to be you!” he added, anticipating correctly his friend’s plan and knowing only too well the suicidal nature of what was being proposed.

“Yes. Yes, it does sire! We both know it. Who else will our soldiers follow? I owe it to them to fight by their side. I cannot desert them now. I have lived a good life, my King. It has been my privilege to know you, and to serve you. You are a good man, a good King. Please explain all of this to Zephany, she will not understand I think.”

“She will understand my old friend,” stated Artrex sadly, reluctantly accepting his friend’s decision, “you have taught her well. Farewell.”

King Artrex embraced Knesh warmly. But the two friends and warriors knew that they had to make their goodbye short and they didn’t linger. Ben was lost for words, he wanted to say something more, he needed to say something more!

But he couldn’t. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as Artrex placed an arm around his shoulder and led him away. He glanced backwards one last time as they reached the horses, just in time to see Knesh, sword in hand, explaining the impossible situation to the soldiers who had to stay with him. His address was deliberately short and to the point and, to Ben’s astonishment, the rebels all accepted their fate without a single complaint. They began to take their positions.

‘Such is the measure,’ Ben thought, ‘of the man who leads them.’

* * *

The Northern Army continued its relentless advance. It was now closing in fast on the ‘corridor’ of defenders who had volunteered to remain with Knesh and hold the line long enough to enable their King, Ben, the stones, and the rest of their Rebel Army to escape. The beleaguered rearguard now numbered only around one thousand men. They knew they couldn’t hope to hold out for long against the far superior forces they faced. But they also knew that the King didn’t need too long to lead his mounted force out of Erriard forest. And they shared in the belief that their sacrifice, in saving their King and the stones, would keep alive the hopes of eventually destroying Vantrax and his armies and freeing their people, so they fought hard.

Artrex climbed quickly up onto his horse, he stretched out his hand to Ben and pulled him up onto the saddle behind him. Ben was still carrying the bag with the box of stones inside and it became caught under him as he jumped onto the horse. He lifted himself in the saddle and altered his position to pull out the bag, before placing his arms around the King. Artrex cast a quick glance over at Nytig who was sitting with his hands bound at the foot of a large tree. He decided that the servant could yet prove useful to them and he instructed one of his men to put him on his horse. The soldier grabbed Nytig and thrust him across the beast roughly, the vile servant ending up with his head facing the floor. They wasted no more time. As soon as all were ready, Artrex kicked his horse hard and galloped away through the trees, racing down the ‘corridor’ that was temporarily open to them.

Artrex was angry and frustrated, his heart was breaking. He knew he’d left his good friend and his comrades behind to face almost certain death, but the King tried his hardest not to show his despair, aware of the example he needed to set to his men. Ben said nothing, he was clinging on desperately to Artrex as the horse weaved violently from side to side to avoid the trees, but he was still crying openly at the thought of Knesh’ probable fate.

As they galloped through the forest they soon began to hear the unmistakeable sounds of battle moving closer and closer towards them, the roars of Thargws and Falorians, the cries of the wounded and dying, the clashing of swords and armour. The sounds grew louder and louder, until they were both beginning to fear that they wouldn’t make it out of the trees.

“Oh sh… How much further to the edge of the forest?” shouted Ben anxiously.

“Not far.” answered Artrex. “But we may not make it, look!” he added, pointing towards Copyright 2016 - 2024