The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,81

with me. They are here on Rhuaddan, though they are in need of repair.” he shouted, as loudly as he could.

Jake hesitated, he’d meant to say more, but a ripple of concerned conversation and unease now swept through the audience and distracted him.

Suddenly, from her position to his right, Queen Bressial stepped forward, sensing that he needed a little support to deliver the remainder of his speech. She stood by Jake’s side and said nothing. But the whole crowd of prisoners in front of them stopped talking immediately and focussed all their attention back onto the two figures in front of them.

“Err… Thank you.” said Jake. “Friends, listen to me now. You are all free to go as you please! Free to return to your homes and families. To whatever life you may have waiting for you. We demand nothing of you. But, we are going south. To meet with King Artrex and raise an army that will finally defeat Vantrax and free your people! We will unite all those in this land who oppose tyranny and evil. I know that this is a lot to ask of you all, especially now, having been prisoners for so long, but we have little time and we need your help. We would like you all to join us. I can promise you nothing in return for your allegiance, except that I will not rest until the stones are restored and I complete my grandfather’s work. I promise you all that I will see this thing through and stand by you to the end. Whatever happens, I will not let you own! But, I must ask of you all, right here and now, what is your decision?” he shouted loudly to the entire crowd.

The prisoners looked around at each other and began discussing the speech, trying to decide what to do. Once again, it was Queen Bressial who determined to act. She put up her hand and the noise stopped immediately. Everyone remained silent as she spoke in a calm but commanding voice.

“Loyal subjects. Dear friends. Your suffering and sorrow has been great these past years. We have watched it with a heavy heart and a frustration inside that is beyond measure. We have shared your pain and your heartache. If we could have…”

She stopped herself briefly as her emotions overcame her. Bressial fought back her tears and looked over at Castrad for a moment.

“…We desire peace above all! It is always uppermost in our thoughts. We are so very tired of fighting. We long to live out our remaining days in harmony. But my friends, that is never going to happen whilst Vantrax remains in power!! Ask of yourselves now, what lives do you have left to go to? How will you live? In servitude? In slavery? In fear? Then, what was our sacrifice for? What have we to show for all those lost years? I ask nothing of you my friends. But I am following this young boy. He has shown that he is the Keeper reborn. He has proven by taking this mighty fortress and releasing us all, that he has courage and skill. I have told you my decision. Now, who amongst you will follow him?”

The prisoners in the courtyard suddenly stood up on their feet. They all began cheering and clapping wildly in a mass celebration and statement of intent. Jake turned to Bressial and mouthed, ‘Thank you’ silently to her, before putting up his hand to stop the noise. The prisoners all fell silent once more, as Jake spoke to them again.

“Okay. Thank you all. We have a lot of work to do then. Go now and search the fortress, take for yourselves horses, weapons, food and clothes. Whatever you need. But, be back in this courtyard in half an hour. When you return we will make for Lidzenstor!” he declared boldly.

The prisoners began to disperse. The entire contingent of rebels around him appeared to be shocked by Jake’s unexpected announcement. No one was more shocked than the Princess.

“Lidzenstor?” she asked, once the noise had died down and she had Jake alone.

“Yes. Lidzenstor. We’re going to free the slaves there. And then we’ll free those in the mines at Berok, Periknar and Dingarth. Verastus has informed me of the mines, and he says that they hold many potential recruits. The delay in our journey will be minimal according to him. They’re not far from the route we must take to Soreen. And just think of the damage Copyright 2016 - 2024