The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,50

he was halted by Vantrax as he reached the top.

“And Adrob. Inform all of my Personal Guard to turn out as well. Leave only the trainees at the fortress.” the King shouted loudly. Adrob nodded and disappeared rapidly down the stairs.

“My King!” began a concerned Sawdon. “I do not understand? You do not have to take the field this day. I can command if you do not trust Strymos. Why place yourself in danger? It makes no sense. I know I have failed you before, but…”

“Silence, Sawdon!” snapped Vantrax angrily. “My decision has nothing to do with your incompetence, or your failings.” he stated firmly. “I have waited for this moment for too long to stand by idly and do nothing. The chance to finally defeat my brother and capture the stones has arrived. I will not let this opportunity pass me by. I have trusted in others for far too long, and where has it gotten me? No, I will command. I will stop them running should they decide to. Maybe the Lichtus is not as strong as it once was, but it can still be a powerful weapon, if I am close enough. The decision is made. Nytig!” he bellowed.

“Y-y-yes my Lord?” came a feeble reply from the foot of the stairs.

“See that my horse is prepared immediately. I leave with Sawdon within the hour. And make sure you pack me some food!”

Nytig hurried away to make the preparations. Vantrax walked over to the table and sat down in his chair, whilst Sawdon walked over to the window slit. The Thargw warrior stared up at the starlit sky, it was a beautiful night. The darkness had descended and wrapped itself around the land like a huge, comforting blanket. The warm summer air was cooling rapidly now that the sun had gone.

“Raarr! I really love this time.” stated Sawdon happily, as he inhaled deeply the fresh air coming in through the window slit. “The anticipation of war, the prospect of battle. It is the moment before the fight that excites me almost as much as the fight itself. Just knowing that tomorrow I shall draw my sword in anger and test my skills against another warrior, it makes me feel alive. I can taste it. I can smell it. There is no feeling like it for us Thargws. I pity the other races who do not feel what we feel. They will never understand. I tremble with excitement at the very thought of it. Even after all these years, I have never grown tired of it.”

“Yes, Sawdon.” replied Vantrax nonchalantly. “But we have been here before, haven’t we? Will they fight this time?” he asked, with added emphasis and an intensity that demanded a response.

Sawdon thought about it for a little while, considering all the arguments briefly before replying. “The boy has the stones. But if he knew how to use them, he would have done so already. I believe that they would not stay here unless they had to, where they are hunted. If they had an alternative, they would leave. To stay makes no sense. Home for them, is the safer environment. I also believe sire, that the rebels have to be weary of running by now. They have few places left to go. They do have plenty of experienced soldiers amongst them though. And they will like the forest terrain, it affords them natural cover. They may still run if they are given the chance, considering our numbers and our strength. And they have no real reason to fight, do they? Why would they risk annihilation?” he asked, as he deliberated the question openly.

“So, you are not sure then?” replied Vantrax, somewhat confused by Sawdon’s remarks, but trying desperately to seek some reassurance.

“In all honesty, my King? I cannot be sure. I cannot predict with any accuracy what they will do.” said the great warrior. “But I tell you this; every instinct I have tells me that they will fight. I cannot explain it, but by the Gates of Kalvanaar, I hope they do.”

Vantrax eyed the Thargw up and down. There was, he thought, no more impressive sight than a bloodthirsty Thargw with the scent of war in his nostrils. An evil gleam suddenly appeared in the wizard’s eye.

“Then, Sawdon, we have to ensure that they fight, don’t we?” he replied wickedly.

Chapter 15

14th August – Rebel Camp, Erriard Forest - Rhuaddan

“So, my young friends, you have the stones in your possession, but what are your plans? Copyright 2016 - 2024