The Keeper of the Stones - By M J Webb Page 0,116

so later, Seon’s Shield was crammed with well wishers, all of them trying to pay their respects to Queen Bressial. Lord Castrad was trying his best to persuade the Queen to retire for some much needed rest but she was steadfastly refusing to entertain the idea, determined to greet her people and politely ignoring the insistence of her well intentioned cousin. Ben and Artrex were catching up with Verastus, listening to his stories of the incredible liberation of the slaves from Heron Getracht with wonder and amazement, and finding themselves further impressed by the planning of the mine raids and the daring, foresight and vision displayed by the fifteen year old leader of the campaign.

Verastus was still in full flow when the rumbling of yet more celebrations were heard from the crowd outside. He cocked his ear to listen, but his arm was knocked hard by the speeding Ben, who rushed excitedly towards the door. He raced to the edge of the village and fought his way to the front of the crowd that was staring into the darkness to the east. Silhouetted shapes could now be seen still some way off in the distance. Ben couldn’t tell who they were, but he just knew instinctively that it was Jake!

He sprinted towards them, almost tripping in the darkness on the rocks and stones that littered the ground and having to push the bag down as he ran to prevent the bouncing box from hurting his side and falling out. As he reached the oncoming group he recognised the boy leading the first horse, on which two elderly slaves were seated.

“Jake!!!” he cried ecstatically, as he ran towards him.

Jake let go of the horse’s reigns and rushed to meet his friend. The two boys hugged each other tightly and then danced up and down with joy. They each began checking the other for signs of wounds or injuries and both were relieved to find that there were none. It was strange, but neither boy knew what to say at first, there was a momentary awkward silence as they both were inexplicably lost for words. Then, Jake recovered himself.

“Hello mate. Still alive then? How’s things? You’ve still got the box I see?” he asked, nodding with his head to the bag that was slung over Ben’s shoulder.

“Yeah, still got it pal. Ahh Geez Jake, It’s so good to see ya. I’ve got so much to tell you. Knesh…”

“Not now.” interrupted Jake wearily. “Let’s get these people in first, they’ve been through a lot and they need to rest.”

“Sure, okay Jay,” answered Ben, “you’re the boss.” he added, obeying Jake’s command without question or repost. “But... They’ve been through a lot? And so have you, from what I hear?”

* * *

Jake’s entry into Soreen village was a scene of wild celebration that eclipsed even the arrival of King Artrex and Queen Bressial. Everybody went wild with excitement and celebrated as they’d never done before. Jake was lifted high on the shoulders of the awaiting soldiers and it was almost an hour before he was able to extricate himself from the partying to join Artrex, Bressial and the rest inside the alehouse. They all hugged Jake in turn, he was treated like a returning hero, or a long lost family member, and the open displays of gratitude and raw emotion were almost too much for him to bear. He was greatly embarrassed by it all. Ben didn’t leave his side. He kept on telling him that he deserved the adulation for all he’d done, which did nothing to alleviate Jake’s embarrassment. King Artrex was the last to embrace him, the warrior holding him closely for several seconds to a chorus of cheers from the soldiers in the room. The King deliberately looked Jake in his eyes and smiled warmly at him before he released his hold. Then they all sat down. When he’d settled a little and the room had calmed, Jake looked around with mounting concern.

“Where’s Zephany?” he asked.

“No news. Not yet. But I hear she had the furthest to go and a tough journey ahead of her? She will be in soon. My daughter is made of strong stuff, she has had to be. She will be here, I am sure of it. It has been to wonderful a day to be spoilt now. I have heard of your deeds, Jake. Though I can hardly believe my ears. Tell me, how many did you free at the great mine?” asked the King.

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